Worship by the Fear of Lord. Part 2

Good Day Worshippers

We are picking up from Part 1 where we spoke the fundamentals of the fear of the Lord and what it’s all about and in this article we finish it off.

So the "fear of the Lord,” is a phrase of the Old Testament which show piety, of which piety means (reverence for or devotion), meaning reverential trust, with hatred of evil. Fear is not something that you wear on and off like a shirt but it’s an attitude that you carry, it is away of life and a lifestyle you live by.

Still many today are persuaded that the word fear really means respect. There is a type of superficial respect to God that does not affect how one lives. “There is that fear that is not coupled with love and trust, and therefore can lead only to terror and despair”, such kind of fear only makes you walk in fright maybe God can strike you by lightning.

It should not be the case in today’s life where we wait for God to do something so that we may reverence Him but to walk in that place knowing who God is and the standard that he carries. Think about how do you worship a great and mighty God with such prejudice and ignorance?

Walking in fear remember its not juts an attitude of deep reverence but also a hatred of evil, worship is a lifestyle lived, a manner of everyday life, which is evidenced as and seen in your life and dealings. Where ever you are worshipping God with your work, dress, life, family, in a prayer meeting, as you walk one must do it with fear, terror, reverence or holy fear in light of who God is.

I strongly believe that the fear of God also opens you up to understand who God is truly, it makes you know the nature of God and it is in that place that you stand and minister to Him. Worshipping in the fear of God is basically carrying a heart and life that lives in reverence, honour, deep respect and awe of God.

Worship is basically glorifying God whether you sing it, live it, dress it or walk it, in whatever manner you offer worship up to God, it should be done in the fear of the Lord.

“Worship Him In the Beauty Of His Holiness”


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