Worship and Spiritual Warfare

Good Day Worshippers Spiritual warfare does not take place when we give or pray but also occurs when we worship God and lift him up,. Whenever God descends or visits he comes with all glory, power, splendour, majesty and holiness. Reading the book of Isaiah 6:1 and Ezekiel chapter 1 they paint a picture of the entourage that God moves with, and how they function in God. “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel,” Psalms 22:3 The word says that “When I am lifted up I will draw man unto me” and it is with such that when God shows up where He is worshipped, where he is lifted up that He displaces evil or darkness. Darkness flees at the very site of God. Most times we do not even know that God has fought for us that warfare has already taken over, God fights for us without us as we worship him. So the basic thing to say is that where God is lifted up, He shows up, and we should anticipate His arrival with gladness because we know that the armies o...