Worship Equation
In the bible there are few equations (promises) of God that he pronounces such as a +b = c. Today we are doing one. One such verse knocked my socks away and I know it will knock yours away too.
“Behold your house is left unto desolate and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me until the time come when you will shall say Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord” Luke 13:35. These were the words of Jesus to the generation of Jews present on the day. So the equation is:
Your Worship + Your Declaration = Manifestation of God
It’s so simple most of us cry all night long wanting God to come into our lives and change our systems. All you need to do is just stand worshipping God, with a pure heart and declaring that He is God in your life and God will manifest. God does not stay were He is not accepted and where he is asked to dwell he honours it, by abiding there.
Until we acknowledge God, until we bless God, until we magnify God, until we worship God, until we glorify god, we may never be able to meet Him even though we profess who He is. Worship is the centre our lives, it’s the basis of mankind and a blessing to us. If want to see Jesus all we have to do is just bless his name and he will show up.
Jesus spoke also saying until He comes, revelation of who God is, will not come into our lives until we declare that He is God in our lives. Take note that the moment we start to worship God, herald, show forth and declare that He is God he will be made manifest to us.
Matt Redman said “Worship without revelation is dead” think of the worship that is present or absent in your life right now. Think about your life do you lack revelation. Ask yourself does my worship place a demand on the heavens to release a revelation and manifestation of God. Look at this equation and verse and pray that your worship and your declaration bring worship into your life daily.
"Worship Him in The Beauty Of His Holiness”