Distractions To Worship

Worship is all about glorifying God, its starts from the heart and it’s expressed through a lot of ways our lives, singing, praying, dancing, a lifestyle and many other ways of expressing it to God. The idea of worship is that one prostrates himself before a superior being with a sense of respect, fear and awe. A lot of times we come before God and we have a certain way we want him to show up and do certain things in our lives and he usually does the opposite, which always leaves us standing in awe of who he is, “this can only be done by God”. There are so many distractions to our worship and here are just a few of them; We aren’t meant to enjoy worship we are meant to enjoy the presence of God. We now Worship, Worship itself we get so lost in the fellowship with other saints, the music, the ambiance and everything else and we loose sight that we are meant to worship God and not the things around us. We come before the Lord, we sing, lift our h...