The Role Of The Holy Spirit Part 2
I discovered my calling in worship I was so hungry and thirsty to know what
worship is all about by as I spoke with other worshippers I got frustrated by
the answers that they gave to me, because the answers that they have me were
merely words and people’s experiences, few where teaching me about the
importance of the Holy Spirit in worship
wasn’t to last a few years later that I learnt the work of the Holy Spirit.
It’s good to know people’s experiences in worship but do not make them the
basis of your understanding of worship. Use the word as your basis to
understand worship and its importance.
when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he
will guide you into all truth: for he shall
not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he
speak: and he will shew you things to
come. He shall glorify me: for
he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you”, John
He will guide you into all

“But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things”, 1
John 2:20
The Holy Spirit
is the Teacher he will teach us all things not just of the physical world but
also of the spirit world. If he will teach us all things can’t we not ask to be
taught to worship in the manner that God desires to be worshipped.
For he shall not speak of himself but
whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak
The Holy Spirit is
teacher and all that he teaches he teaches out of God. Jesus said all that I do
I see my Father doing and in this scripture we learn that all that the Holy Spirit
will teach us shall come from God. Let the cry of our hearts be that we learn
and become accustomed to the worship of God
How many of us have
ever asked the Holy Spirit to teach us the sound and worship of heaven? Have we
ever availed ourselves to know from God the manner by which he desires to be
He will show you things to
He is endowed with
the ability to know the things of heaven, He has insight of the move and the
things of God. God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow but have you
noticed that God evolves daily.
The Holy Spirit
knows the things to come and we need to learn to follow the Holy Spirit so that
we may know how to bring things in that are in the future and bring them into
the present through worship. The season is now that we as worshippers pray that
we may see as the Holy Spirit see and hear as he hears to that we may worship
in the prophetic and institute things by the spirit of god and this can only be
done through the spirit of God
He shall glorify me
“Wherefore I give
you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus
accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the
Holy Ghost”, 1 Corinthians 12:3
Glorify means to
bless, to honour, to magnify and the Holy Spirit shall do all it work to bless
God, so even in our worship the Holy Spirit will work to glorify God, so as he
guides us he only intention is to glorify God. So when we worship with the Holy
Spirit you are guaranteed encountering God because the Holy Spirit’s objective
is to glorify God, so when we stand beside him we will end up blessing God in
all directions with the direction and leading of the Spirit.
For he shall receive of
mine, and shall show it unto you
Whatever God
extends to the Holy Spirit that which he will also reveal to us. The word show
there means reveal, speak, tell announce. How much of God has his Spirit shown
you? One man wrote that it’s quite difficult to worship a God you don’t know or
have knowledge of.
What of God has
the Holy Spirit shown unto you in your life, revealed to you. Don’t worship God
based on your neighbour’s, friend’s or parents revelation seek your own
knowledge of God, seek your own revelation of God. Sit down and allow the Holy
Spirit teach you the person of the Holy Spirit.
What have you
received from the Holy Spirit that makes you to stand and worship in your own
unique way? What have you received from God that makes you stand and worship
him all night without complaining? Whatever the Spirit shows us it’s a blessing
of the Lord given to us.
The Spirit of God is working day and night in the earth,
my question is have you ever allowed the Holy Spirit to transform your life, to
transform your worship, transform your revelation transform you to be a servant
of the Lord Jesus. Have you ever allowed the Holy Spirit access for him to
recalibrate and remodel your worship?
Have you ever sat
down and asked the Lord to fill you with the Holy Spirit,
Pray with me
right now
“Father I thank you that you are a good God and
that you love me, thank you for choosing me and chasing after me and now I
choose you also. I want to also chase you and today I ask that your Holy Spirit
would fill my life and remodel everything in my life from my knowledge,
revelation of you, my worship, enhance and open my eyes and ears so that I may
know you more. May your Holy Spirit teach me to worship you daily and from
today I choose to be led by the Holy Spirit in all I do. I thank you for this
gift of the Holy Spirit, I thank you for transforming my life so that I may
magnify honour and glorify your name for eternity. Thank you Lord. Amen