Where Does Worship Emanates and Flows From?

Worship Is First Of All Obedience

Worship is honouring and magnifying God, it’s not confined to singing and dancing but its worshipping him in everything we do night and day. It’s a lifestyle that is lived not for self but for God. It’s a daily experience, the bible says the fruit of my lips should praise God; my life should worship without words and notes.

Genesis 22:5 The principal of first  mention in the bible carries a lot of weight and in this passage of scripture w find that Abraham said to his man wait here. The passage of scripture speaks of obedience and sacrifice. Abraham didn’t have any music but he worshipped the Lord, he did not have dancers or anything else except wood, fire and his son as a sacrifice.

Worship to Abraham, Noah, Jacob, Job, Isaac, Abel and Cain and all who lived before the time of Exodus wasn’t glitz and glamour, microphones, canvas, instruments, preaching bible reading or teaching to them worship was obedience and was expressed through sacrifices on  a stone altar.

Ballam in the book of Numbers chapter 22-25 is hired by King Balak to curse Israel, even until today is not understood his position. Several things to note are that He understood things of the spirit. Even though he wasn’t an Israelite and 2Peter 2:15  states “following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness”, one realizes that he knew God personally why I say so is because:

  1. He recognized  the voice of God in the night times
  2. Recognized the voice of God as he spoke in a donkey
  3. Recognized the Angels of God

Balaam just didn’t honour or worship God by obeying God, but went ahead to sacrificed to God bulls even though God did not even ask for him to sacrifice. He knew how to entreat God Almighty. How many of us go beyond obeying what God has asked us to do and we offer our service and lives.

Gideon a man that came from the least of the tribe of Israel and met with an Angel of the Lord and offered a sacrifice which God consumed by a fire and then the Lord came to Gideon after his encounter with the angel and asked of him specific thing which was to destroy the altar of Baal in Judges Chapter 6 and 7.

Gideon was asked a hard thing by the Lord that was to destroy the altar of Baal which was in the hands of his father which the whole city came to. This altar was under a tamarisk tree and he was to cut down the tree and also take a bull from his father flock and sacrifice it to the Lord, replacing the system of Baal with a system of God. This caused him to be placed on a death roll and ended up by his father changing his name to “Jerubbaal, saying, Let Baal plead against him”, Judges 6:32

His worship wasn’t to be recognized or seen, applauded but it was in obedience to God’s word and oracles. He stood and offered worship which was only privileged to a Priest but his obedience brought Him to a new level. Gideon did not wait for God to command him to worship but he brought his free will offering before the Lord and this provoked use him in bigger things. The next chapter he annihilates an unnumbered army with only 300 fighters with 300 trumpets, that’s where obedience will take you.

Worship is beyond standing before God telling him that you love, worship starts from obedience and then we express our obedience through singing, music, bowing down, kneeling and painting. Worship is and shouldn’t be confined to actions but to the attitude and obedience of the worshippers even though it’s never easy, challenges will be there but all glory goes to God.

Worship is first of all obedience it goes beyond singing and playing music. Worship is first of all obedience to God’s word and when you look at every man referenced in this article obeyed the voice of God look at their lives and the outcomes of their lives. Their lives are sterling and all their lives and stories brought worship to God, their live magnified God, their lives glorified.

Take time and bring your life to God and allow him to change everything about you, that you live your life for his honour, glory and majesty.

"Worship Him In The Beauty Of His Holiness"


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