The Mistaken Myth Truth About Surrender!
Worship is all about surrender, giving clearance for a
higher authority to take over your life, surrendering our lives, jobs, family
and our destinies to the power of God. That worship.
Surrender according to dictionary means:
- Give up possession of something: to relinquish possession or control of something because of coercion or force, surrender territory, surrender your passport
- Declare yourself defeated: to declare to an opponent that
he or she has won so that fighting or conflict can cease
These are the world views on surrender and according to
the Microsoft dictionary states that surrender is when we relieve ourselves the
right to rule our lives and we give that right to God. Relinquishing the power
that we have and giving it to God, that’s what worship is all about.

Today men are busier than ever with jobs, life,
business, ministry and schedules. People are working more and more giving all
their lives to jobs and their busy schedules so they can have sustenance but
when they come to the presence of God they give the leftovers of their week.
They squash their time at church to less than 2 hours and then complain if the
pastor goes over the time.
One pastor at a pastor’s conference once said, “People
give away 95% of their energies and time to life, families and careers and a
good pastor should be able to draw the 5 % left on Sunday and cause God to get
the glory from a tired generation”. Which one are you and which percentage are
you surrendering to God.
“This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far
from me”, Mark 7:6 we have learnt the art of vain worship, lip service and
just fulfilling formality and in some churches actually doing a bible study in
time where worship was mean to be.
word I love in my life is “abandonment” which means leaving it all at His
doorstep, it’s a place of knowing that whatever comes your way you have already
surrendered it to God. It’s a constant state of life that God is in control of
everything in my life.
Worship Him
In The Beauty Of His Holiness.