Why My Heart Alone
Good Day Worshippers
Worship in the bible started as an attitude of
sacrifice and obedience and with time it became an integral part in Israel with
the tabernacle and sacrifices evolving into worship and music. Now we are
having so many worship wars in the church over the small little things and we
haven’t searched the scriptures to know what the word says, all we know has
been passed down from the generation before us.
One of the
things we have been told is that worship is a matter of the heart. In the process
of time man has detached his heart from his life, it easy for man to worship God with his heart but his mind and body are
somewhere else. You hear people say God only looks at the heart and only considers
the heart.

God is blessed more by broken hearts offering their worship to Him.
David wrote this verse though he is well known for offering sacrifices to God
in quantities.
“And it came to pass, when the King Jehoram heard the words of the
woman, that he rent his clothes; and he passed by upon the wall, and the people
looked, and, behold, he had sackcloth within upon his flesh”. 2
Kings 6:30.
The king was
dressed in his kingly robes on as he
rode on the wall but was wearing sack cloth inside his robe I believe this
should be what our lives be lived as such, though we look good on the outside let
our hearts be rent and broken on the inside.
A married couple who are in love with each other
and love each other very much will always express their love through many ways.
A natural relationship doesn’t just recognize love in the heart but it desires
to see that love expressed.
When you love someone you just don’t tell them
that you love them but you buy gifts, hold their hands, look into their eyes
and do small things like breakfast in bed this is to show you love the person.
Some of the Greek and Hebrew meanings of the word worship show that worship is
seen in bowing, lying prostrate, thanksgiving, service, sacrifice.
I worship I would rather let my heart be without words than my words be without
a heart” Matt Redman
the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have
removed their heart far from me…”. Isaiah
29:13 Actions without a heart they are just plain, the bible calls it vain
worship. Words without a heart are just lip service, bowing before the Lord
without a heart is just exercise, sacrifice without a heart isn’t different
from an afternoon braai.
God just doesn’t want a part of you; God wants
all of you and all about you. If it’s not enough to give your spouse your heart
alone but also you give him or her your whole life, why do we treat God
differently? The worship that moves God comes from a broken heart and out of fullness
of our hearts we express it seemingly.
Worship is based in the spirit, emanating from a
broken heart which out of its fullness expresses itself before God. When I worship I would rather my heart be
without any expression than my expressions be without a heart.
“Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; Worship The LORD In The Beauty Of Holiness”,
Psalms 29:2