4 Types of Worship

Worship is one gift given to mankind that allows him to connect up with the divine presence of God, Worship allows us access to Him and his presence. Most people want to focus on what worship is and isn’t, today our focus is to look at the types of worship. Worship comes in so many forms and we not looking at which one is correct but we are looking at the various types 1. Vain worship “ But in vain do they worship me, teaching as their doctrines the precepts of men ”. Mark 7:7. Vain according to the Oxford Dictionary says use someone’s name in a way that shows a lack of respect for example “ take someone's name in vain ”. It’s easy to come to a place where we no longer reverence or honour the name of God and we do all we do professing that we are worshipping God and we don’t even have any idea of what we are doing. It’s easy to worship God and not mean it, your heart and mind are not in it but your body is presen...