Rending Our Hearts For Worship

"And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God",Joel 2:13  (KJV)

This is a scripture spoken to Israel in a time when they had grown complacent,  became familiar with God & sin had filled their hearts. At a season where people where willing to show religion and not have a personal relationship with him, at a time when people would rather be seen religious (living the part)

Rend your heart means to tear apart your heart, living in a  broken state, humbled state, a surrendered heart. We have to abase ourselves. We have to work on our humility... 

What God looked for wasn't a show at this stage God looked for hearts that focused on Him, God was looking for exterior worship he was looking for depth in their worship. 

Israel had come to a place where their hearts where cold and their actions and worship preceded out of the coldness of their hearts. How many people in the world including some in our churches are living such a life. 

Take a moment and think this through on a personal level, at times leading will come to be drag, you at times do it because you feel it's an obligation, at times we serve but our soul and hearts have switched off, it's a drag to serve. 

Take this time and just ask God to work with you and help you to come to a place  where you are recalibrated and you can worship freely.

Interesting this scripture actually shows  that it's you personally who has to rend you hearts, it's not God prerogative or The Lord waves a magical wand and our hearts are changed but we have to take the step to rend our hearts.

2 Kings 6:30 (KJV)  "and as the King passed by upon the wall, and the people looked, and, behold, he had sackcloth within upon his flesh". 

Father we thank you that we are like this king that wore sackcloth underneath his majestic clothing. We thank u that our lives are a broken and humble enough for us to chase after you and live for you nothing to ourselves but to chase after you daily. Amen 

Worship Him In The Beauty Of His Holiness 


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