Why Worship Wars Wont Work

We are busy killing each other in the churches which type of worship or music should be the one that is acceptable and does it fit the right in to the doctrine of the church and the founding fathers of the ministry. I have realized that God receives all offering and sacrifices but what is important is does your sacrifice bring glory to God?

Instead of us fighting and causing churches to split because we are not agreeing with everyone why can’t we not spend our time in asking the Lord the manner in which He wants us to worship him. We all cannot be like Hillsong, the huge Mississippi Mass Choir or Planet Shakers or Donnie Mclurkin but one thing that’s for sure is that we should strive to bring glory to the Lord. Remember what we want is not what God wants.

This is the thing which the LORD commanded that ye should do: and the glory of the LORD shall appear unto you”, Leviticus 9:6. It’s not about fighting which genre of music should accompany our worship but the focus of our lives should be what causes the glory of the Lord to appear?

God is a big God and he is not confined to a sound or to genre of music or order of service. One thing that stands out in all this is that our worship is like filthy rags before him but he chooses to honour and be glad to receive. So what I think he will receive is not what he will receive so let us work on having  a relationship with the Lord more than we spend time trying to show each other the right thing when we don’t have a relationship with him

I believe every church or ministry has a mandate from the Lord and the mandate and the message of that house should be the one that becomes the backbone of that church. If the way you worship works for you then don’t comment or bring down those who use a different style and method.

Instead of us criticizing each other why not pray for each other that we walk in the understanding of worship, it’s not the genre of music or the loudness or subtleness of worship in our church that makes it work. 

Worship Wars wont work because worship is only received and should be judged by God, He alone has the ability to choose what he likes and not us fighting over what we think is and isn’t, what he will like or not.

May we bring people to the doorstep of his glory and focus on that, may our energy be spent on chasing after him and his presence for His people. May our lives be a place where He manifests Himself daily.

 “Worship Him In The Beauty of His Holiness”


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