Worship: Living In The Frontline Ministry

In the army the frontline is where the battle is always raging and hot, In World War 1 & 2 they were battle areas where for days there was constant fighting and always planning how to advance against his enemy’s frontline. Being a part of the worship is like being in front line always fighting.

One of my friends said that I can judge the depth of a church by the presentation and quality of their frontline ministry. A worship team, choir, musicians, dancers, banners, painters and mimes are all part of the frontline ministry. Mostly people rarely get to see your tongue but they can clearly see your teeth because they are in the front, just what a worship team is like.

The battle is raging at all fronts on the altar/stage and hotter during the week, Worship and praise is like a plough that prepares the fallow ground, it ploughs through the hardship and uncertain times that men go through. Our battle is not a physical one but is a spiritual battle, the fight comes for our worship not to even worship at all  because the enemy knows that the moment “God inhabits our praise”,  Psalms 22: 3 all his work is displaced.

When God arrives, he arrives he arrives with the full package of who He is for every person, making the chance of meeting Him a reality and not a thought. The meeting of men and his maker is facilitated by worship and that’s why the fight is against the worship.

Israel major hurdle was how to take over the city of Jericho, God showed them the strategy because it wasn’t a physical battle but a spiritual one. After 7 days of circling the walls they fell down just at the sound of a shout and trumpets, all it took was just worship lifted up and God was going to do the rest.

In 2 Chronicles 20:21 tell us of King Jehoshaphat story  when faced with a huge Moabite and Ammonite army instead of placing a huge infantry forward  “he appointed singers unto the LORD, and that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise the LORD; for his mercy endureth forever”. All he did was changed the content of the people who were in the frontline and he won the war through worship.

King David speaks of what God will do to the enemies as he avenges for the people He loves and he victory came about when “The singers went before, the players on instruments followed after; among them were the damsels playing with timbrels”, Psalms 68:25. He says our victory is in the frontlines being filled with worshippers who know their place and who know what God can do.

The real question today is asking yourself this, Being in the frontline ministry, do I know my role and place? Being in the frontline ministry do I understand what I’m doing? Do I know the power that is put in place when I lift up my worship?

Worship is the vehicle that was made to bring mankind into the presence of God, we make the mistake of thinking that worship is everything but the presence of God must be everything to us and everything we need. When the presence of God descends upon a place, victory is certain but holding your position is important.

The fight on the frontline today is that we don’t even get to the place where we connect with God. I pray as a worshipper that we stand and allow God to use us.

It’s painful for me when so many worshippers and worship leaders standing in every meeting, conference or service with a fully loaded automatic rifle gun and have no clue the power of what they are holding and how to use it  

May we understand our role and place in the frontline ministry

When we understand, we put all our hearts and we give everything we have in worship because we know. Lord help me today that I may understand and know the power that is available to us when I worship. Teach me Lord to know who you are and open my eyes to see the battle raging and may I take up my position and place in Jesus Name, Amen

Worship Him In The Beauty Of His Holiness


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