Convenient Worship: Life of a Present Day Worshipper

They sacrifice upon the tops of the mountains, and burn incense upon the hills, under oaks and poplars and elms, because the shadow thereof is good: therefore your daughters shall commit whoredom, and your spouses shall commit adultery.
Israel dumped their temple of Yawheh and also Baal shrines and created new ones on the roof tops of their houses and under trees because they wanted shade.
1. Israel became professional idolators as they mixed with Canaan, they became good at being religious and killing sacrifices just because they wanted a braai. We have turned to being professional in all we do (its a good thing being pro but not at the expense of God) but are we worshipping professionalism more than the One we meant to serve.
2. They changed their focus of worship for convenience sake. Does that sound like someone you know. Do we worship because it convenient, so i get to be recognized and noticed, or if I don't go to church today and sing for them church would be terrible today. Worship out of convenience. Looked for the easiest way to worship and forgot who it was for.
3. They mixed worship- when you read through the books of history you will learn that they would offer on the same altar one sacrifice for God and another for Baal back to back. Look at how many things have we mixed our worship with.
Is it entertainment or worship, feel good sessions, goose bump making songs, bumping to the beat sessions, close to God music, crying music or it's music that stops heaven and just admire man as he adores God.
Are we doing what we like, those jacks, reefs, high and low notes, that sound we like. Have we stopped to ask or inquire what about the sound He likes or it's our thinking that He accepts anything and everything, whatever we play or sings he receives?
We like the music genre that we use have we ever stopped to to ask God Wat kind of genre does he like?
We chase after professionalism but we have forgotten that we have kinda left God behind the door as we welcomed Professionalism into our teams and our individual lives and God has become second when he is supposed to be first in our lives..
Is Worship for His glory or for our convenience ?
Is our convenient for us or convenient for us, this is not to condemn but just for you to reflect on your life and your worship (music, art, dance, life, reading the word, etc). Whose convenience is it for?.