Wont He Do It

We stand on the altar of God Sunday in, Sunday out singing about God's faithfulness, grace, power and love but then do you believe in His faithfulness. We stand on the same place and more on Sunday, during midweek services and at practices talking and singing songs we have written or songs we like but do we believe the words we sing but most important do we believe the God we sing about.

Do we believe the power of God to show up in your space, time and touch his people or you believe that the Holy Spirit can show up make the church believe you are deep worshippers who brings down the presence of God rather than show and direct that Glory to him.

What do you believe in?

Do you believe? The ministry you were called into?

Do you believe in the words you sing unto God?

Do you believe in his power to deliver, heal and bless?

Do you believe in God himself?

Do you believe in God that he can do what he has planned?

"So he fed them according to the integrity of his heart; and guided them by the skilfulness of his hands", Psalm 78:72 KJV

"And blessed is she that believed..." Luke 1:45 KJV

If He did it for Israel, Won't He do it for you? If He did it for King David do you believe him that he can do it for you also?

Can we believe that He can lead us to his throne room, can we believe that he will teach us how to worship. Can we believe in the songs we sing, the band or choir which backs us up? Can we stand in the place we are and speak of his goodness and mean it from deep our hearts?

Can we stand in this space we, believe that our lives can changes and that our worship can break through times, space and age by reason of his Holy Spirit. Can we believe God that our worship won't be ordinary?

When we believe Him we are making a bold statement to God saying that I believe you can do it and so much more.

Wont He do it?


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