Where Is The Power In a Worship Song?

The songs we sing today, do we take time to think through them and do we take time to understand what they mean and the impact they have on our lives and future. Every song has an effect on the singer and to the one it’s been sung to. Watch what you sing and to who.

To see if a song qualifies as a biblical and acceptable worship song to God let us look at 2 Chronicles 20:21 “And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed singers unto the LORD, and that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise the LORD; for his mercy endureth forever”.  

As they worshipped God that very morning

1.      Did their songs reflect worshipful hearts? And do the songs we sing today reflect our hearts or we just offer lip service just as the word states they speak but their hearts are far from me. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, the song rolling out of our mouth are they reflecting the conditions of our hearts

2.      Did their songs accurately represent God?  Some of the songs we sing today are just absurd, someone said just because you mention Jesus or the Holy Spirit that doesn’t make it a worship or gospel song. Do the songs you sing represent God?

3.      Did their songs correctly represent what God has said in his Word? An example of a great song in my eyes is one that is scripture based. Songs like As a Deer, Rejoice, I Need Thee, On Solid Rock I Stand and other songs which are scripture based are powerful because they represent God fully and they recite God’s words in song.

There are certain songs I struggle to sing in my life like Tasha Cobbs “For Your Glory” when I sing it I think am I really ready to do anything for his glory. If God say today go to a b c place for his glory will I go.

As songwriters, worship leaders and worshippers of the body of Christ, the songs we sing today do we think through them, do we scan through and think through the words before we sing them. How many vows we have sung to the Lord and never fulfilled, how many things have we sang to God and walked away and did the exact opposite.

Not only must we correctly represent who God is, but any worship that flows from our lips and our lives must also properly represent what God says.


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