Words or No Words, Lyrics or No Lyrics, I Can Worship God

Personally I love one thing that I have been noticing in the body of Christ that people are starting to understand that worship isn’t just singing songs or playing music but that Worship is beyond lyrics. We then have a crop of people in the same space who don’t know what to do if they don’t have music or words, yes they know that worship is beyond that but then what else can they do.

“For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's”. 1 Corinthians 6:20

John Wesley said this in response to this verse “Yield your bodies and all their members, as well as your souls and all their faculties, as instruments of righteousness to God. Devote and employ all ye have, and all ye are, entirely, unreservedly, and forever, to his glory.”

Our bodies are meant to glorify God, outside words, lyrics and music our lives can minister glory, our bodies can bless the Lord through the way we live daily and the way we carry ourselves in his place.
“Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God”. Romans 6:13

Our bodies are instruments of life and let us surrender our hands, feet and minds to his service, dedicate them to bless and glorify God. Let our bodies be a place to edify God’s kingdom and glory on earth. We were redeemed so that we can live for God and not be a slave to sin hence we can bless God in all we do. We cannot surrender our bodies to sin but surrender our bodies to bless the Lord.

Beyond words, lyrics and music our bodies can worship God, beyond singing the way you dress should bless God, the way you conduct yourself with your body does it give Glory to God. Beyond words, lyrics and music yielding our bodies to God is actually our worship to God. Our bodies are instruments of righteousness and worship to God.

What will be your excuse then? If you say I can’t sing, dance or play an instrument.


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