Just Walk In And Out Of His Presence Like That!

Worship should be a reflex action in our lives. Our hands should automatically be extended in the air and songs should just come out of our hearts. We walk in and out of our houses but then we are walking in and walking out of the presence of God because our hearts and minds haven’t been prepared to worship

The spirit is always willing and wanting the things of God but at times worship may not happen because the mind and the heart isn’t in that right place. Just today we were talking about movies and acting and someone mentioned how Leonardo Di Caprio in one of his movies he was so focused that in the morning he just walked without a word out of his trailer and walked on the scene and shot the scene and walked back to his trailer and was seen the next day.

One of my friends said these actors get into the character by training their minds so that he can act a certain role. I had a fever a few weeks ago and it’s funny how sickness makes you aware that God is God, your mind get so consumed with getting well hence you fill you mind with scripture, prayer and you become so aware of God more than an ordinary day. Why? It’s because we will train our lives to focus more on God hence when you worship things happen

“Lord , thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear”: Psalm 10:17 KJV

This scripture in Psalms shows us that God can prepare our hearts but I believe that we have to make the first move. We have to take the first step in preparing our hearts, we have to start pushing our lives to fill our lives, minds and hearts with him. Throne Room Worship just doesn’t happen we have to work on ourselves and allow God to do more with us.

Our spirits were created fully open to God and open to the move of God but then our bodies like to chill and rest. We have to train our lives our minds and hearts to follow what God is doing. So if we are constantly thinking of God, Who He is, How we love Him that worship becomes a second nature.

Worship will not just happen, his presence isn’t for scavengers or marauders it’s looking for chances. His presence is for people who purpose it. People who make it their goals to chase after God and search his presence are those that will prepare their hearts, minds and bodies for his glory.

Let us not walk in and walk out his presence. Let’s be determined to worship.


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