The Worshippers Battle

Preservation means you are being kept for a good future good use. When you preserve something you keep it in a safe place and your intention is to use it one day and you know that the present moment of time  it's not the season or time.

The biggest battle that each worshipper faces is that whoever you are and how long you have been a worshipper  and worship leader you will always find yourself locked with yourself and in a battle. It's easy to sing, dance or play because we can do that and for some people they have mastered it well but you can never be able to win the battle with self. Paul said that the things I desire to do, I do not do but that which I do not want I find myself doing it.

The battle on the inside is a big one and we might try to think we have won it but we at times fall, crush and burn. David came up to God and he said in Psalm 121:7 KJV "The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul". David learnt that the whole battle is on our hearts.

David cries out to The Lord, that God be his shelter but he also knew that there is a space and time that he occupies. I pray that God preserves us from ourselves and may He preserve us from ourselves, where we are for what He needs us for. May He preserve us from what is going on around us.

In all you do and in all your service to the Kingdom of God, pray that God preserves your heart. There is an onslaught on the heart and the mind of a Christian and as worshipper the battle is greater. The day you loose your heart to serve and worship, just know that you will become an entertainer and not a worshipper. Your greatest battle, is that we don't loose our hearts to worship Him.

Matt Redman once said I would rather my heart be without words than my words be without a heart. Our battle is that we don't loose our heart, our heart to serve and worship, let's pray that our heart is preserved by the Lord more than anything in our lives.

Choose today if you will be a be a minister or an entertainer.


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