Preparing For The Move Of God - Purity

So many times we are so concerned and worried about how we sound and how we are being seen, the image of our lives, how PC (Politically Correct) we are. We are concerned about our image, how deep people think we are, what will people say after we leave the room or we lead worship on Sunday. We try our best to use the music, clothes, our voice to try and portray how deep and awesome we are in life.

When you look back at the end of the day what is important is that have we stood in our place and allowed or facilitated God  to meet men and men to meet God. We want things to happen when we pray and when we lead worship, or when we do that solo or that special in church or at an outreach.

Impact starts with us, individually as Worshippers and one of the things that causes us to see things happen in our lives is when we allow the word of a God to purify and clean us. Just like in Psalms 12: 6-7 which says "The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever".

God's word is pure, purified to the seventh time and it's clean and where ever it rest upon it cleanses. Wherever it is accepted, cherished and honored you would see the word of God take shape and teach us uprightness and righteousness.

Even when we look at this in 2 Timothy 3: 16 which says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness". We learn that the word reached us righteousness, the word teach us purity and cleanliness.

I once spoke an analogy that blew my mind away, if you have garden and you water your plants using a pipe or an irrigation system. Whenever the pipe on the inside is full of soap or mud the water will always comes out dirty. Even when you dish food in a germ infested and unwashed plate no matter what we do to that's food it's already become unclean.

So it with our lives, we are the hose pipe, the irrigation system or the plate the cleaner you are the cleaner the water that comes out, the dirtier you on the inside, the dirtier the water will come out as. As we desire to see explosion and a move of God in our worship times, lives, devotional lives and our leading then we should allow the word of God to cleanse us so that we can carry people to God or carry God to the people.

Oh Worshippers, depth or power isn't in the music, dance or the piece you wrote it's in God


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