The Ignorant Worshipper Part 1
Every king has glory and honour is honored in a big way, Prince
Charles or the Queen of England are honored in a certain way and if that’s the
case why don’t we honour do the same and when we worship God, we see him as a
friend and we honor Him ignorantly but He is King and Lord, the Lord who is in
charge of armies and hosts. We don’t even honour Him like the way we honour and
respect the Queen of England.
“And those servants
went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found,
both bad and good: and the wedding was filled with guests. But when the king
came in to behold the guests, he saw there a man who had not on a
wedding-garment: and he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not
having a wedding-garment? And he was speechless. Then the king said to the
servants, Bind him hand and foot, and cast him out into the outer darkness;
there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth”. Matthew 22:10-13.
Being an ignorant worshipper I believe is not different from the
parable that Jesus taught that I have just quoted above and it’s amazing how
many times we are found wanting in our worship and God still loves and accepts
us for who we are. The king walked in and asked why He wasn’t wearing the
wedding garment because they were being provided to everyone who was at the
wedding, he was found speechless.
May we be found speechless in his sight because we are in awe of Him
and what He is doing? There is a garment won in a wedding, a garment that you
wear to meet the president, a garment that you wear to work and there is a
garment that you wear in worship and that garment is spelt understanding.
The only way to leave ignorant worship behind is to come
to a place for understanding.
Understanding is sought off, Understanding is
searched for, understanding is mined like a diamond or platinum. Unless you are
Solomon with a thousand cattle offering which can cause the King of Kings to
visit you regardless it did cost him something (a huge sacrifice of
“At the entrance of thy words
giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple”. Psalms 119:130
“Through thy precepts I get
understanding: therefore I hate every false way”. Psalms 119:104
“Get wisdom, get
understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth”. Proverbs 4:5
Wisdom and understanding won’t come whilst you are seated
at home but it’s something that you chase after, the scripture in Proverbs says
get understanding at all cost, it’s the glory of kings to search out hidden
things. To leave being an ignorant worshipper you have to take time and study
the scriptures as the bible states that at the entrance of thy word there is
understanding, God’s word hold understanding for me. If I’m to get
understanding and wisdom it will come by listening to His word whether written
or spoken word.
The word of GOD will change your ignorance and it will
change the dimension and the depth of your worship to God. One businessman once
said to me the difference between rich and poor people is just, understanding. The
rich understand what the poor cannot understand and I believe the difference
between worshippers worldwide is simply understanding.
Let’s Pray:
Father I Pray to you and I ask that you may help us not to be ignorant
worshippers but to be a worshipper who worship you in understanding and doing
all I can to worship you from the place of revelation and faith in you. Thank
you for the gift of worship that you have given me and thank you for everything
in Jesus Name. Amen
Him In The Beauty Of His Holiness"