Leading A Diverse Congregation Of People.

The Diversity we are talking today is not of racial colour, ethnicity nor of culture we are talking of diversity of the reasons why we come to church. 

Not everyone comes to church for the Lord, Not all of us are so super-duper spiritual we are all at different stages in life and our walk with the Saviour. Some come to chill out, nothing to do at home, some come to see friends, some are forced, some are facing challenges, some are just escaping life, some for the music alone, some for the word, some need that touch from God, some are just so hungry, some are burnt out and need rest and renewal, some need a semblance of Christ in their lives and just need to be identified with a religion. 

A little confession goes a long way when I came to church whilst I was in my youth was because me and my friends were told that they was quite a number of nice girls and hence we went to church and now it’s a total different story. So here you are walking on the altar, stage, platform or podium and you are faced with a number of people with such attitudes and you have to all lead them to his feet.
As worship leader we at times lose touch with the people that we lead, we so caught up in a bubble that of perfection and excellence that we lose the very same people we were called to lead. It’s easy not to relate to someone and lead them as well.

Think about it what are some of the things that we can do to make sure that we are able to lead diverse groups of people into the presence of God and straight to the soles of his feet.

How Can We Lead Such A Diverse Group? 

1.       Pray over the Congregation in Private: Pray over the congregation, pray for open heart, pray over the song list and pray over the music that it glorifies God. Pray that you be led by the Spirit to follow the whispers of the Holy Spirit as you lead. Pray that you be able to carry the heartbeat of God to the people and in whatever form which glorifies Him.

The Kind of Worship God is seeking, It has more to do with your closet than it does with the stage” David Santistevan

2.       Study the Congregation: The people you are leading are different in all so many ways and also the reasons why they came to church is different. Every congregation has a feel, taste and we need to study our congregation and not play worship the way they want but be able to draw the congregation to the flair of the spirit more than the flair of what the congregation.

3.       Sing Common Song: They are some songs that people easily engage and this differs within churches it’s important to use such song to get people focusing in a place oneness. Songs like hymns always strike a chord but then we need to find that balance as worship leaders between doing common songs and doing what the Spirit is leading us to.

4.       Sharing: Explaining a bit of what’s on your hearts and where you believe the Lord is taking us without preaching a message you are doing with the worship. That can bring people to a place of understanding why they need to engage. At times engagement is a conscious decision one needs to take.

Our Closet our place of worship will create a platform for our public worship.
It all about his glory but we need to draw his people to him and we can only do it by his spirit alone. 

“Leading People To The Beauty Of His Holiness”

What else do you think we can do as worshippers in leading or preparing to lead a diverse group of people? Let’s get talking what are your thoughts? 

Merry Christmas To All of You From Us To You Blessed 2014


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