The Effect of Sin On Our Worship

Psalm 51: 2-3
Wash me thoroughly
from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.

The centre of human life is the heart and this same heart is the same source of our worship. The heart is the heart of human existence. An unclean source of water gives out unclean water and its the same with our hearts.

Think about it, why does God keep pressing that we live our lives for Him.  Worship is the best place for us to know him and create a relationship with him through the Holy Spirit.

God wants us to experience his presence always and sin inhibits us from the place. Sin and iniquity are sent to attack the source of our worship, the heart, to taint it and destroy everything in the  path.

You find David crying out his heart to God create in me a clean heart and renew our spirit oh God, so that what had suffocated because of sin and iniquity may come alive. So many times we sweep sin under the carpet and we choose not deal with it. We have to learn to deal with sin as soon as it arises, why?

The Effect of Sin On The Heart

1. Festers and Grow- sin is like a fungus or mold starts as a small thing and with time sin eats up all that purity and hunger for Jesus and replaces it with vileness.

2. Tones our hearts down (dulls our senses) to seeing or understand what God is doing as we become more of me and less of Jesus, this happens by default not by desire.

3. Sin allows pride and bitterness to grow within us as we become intolerant to a lot of things. For a worshipper the moment you start walking into that then know that you we in error, but you won't know because your judgement has been dulled.

David realized he had sinned and if you read the cry of Psalm 51 he is crying that God helps him to deal with sin in his life... How did David deal with it.

1. Recognized He sinned, Admitted he sinned. When we allow sin to fester most if the time we don't realize we have sinned because we justify the sin..

2. It's not just recognizing your sin it also about confessing it before God..

3. He knew that alone he couldn't deal with it and He asked for God's help. We can not cleanse ourselves only God can cleanse us from sin...

As worshippers let's not allow sin to fester or grow. As worshippers our mission is more important as our call is to bring people to his presence. It's not just for other but us as well as individuals and for his glory.

As worshippers sin will come, it will knock at our door and at times will walk into our lives.  Let's deal with sin as soon as soon as it arrives. Let's not give it time, deal with it and never giving it room to fester or grow and suffocate all the Lord is doing...

Let's deal with sin and live a life of constant renewal with God as we spend time with the maker....

"Worship In The Beauty Of His Holiness"


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