Worshipping Without Words and Music

When one speaks about worship beyond just singing and music, people tend to squirm. The question I kept looking for in the word of God was “is there worship beyond singing and music”. Worship in the word of God is shown that it goes beyond words. Worship isn't an act but it so a lifestyle and a daily experience that one lives every day.

Our lives are sometimes a mystery but the greatest gift we have been given is worship. Fruit is one way that we can worship without words and the bible declares it very clearly “By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name”. Hebrew 13:15. Our lips have fruit, our words have results. Our lips have produce that is attached to them when we speak. God says in Isaiah my words shall not come back to me void but shall complete everything that I have sent them to do.

The words we speak today have fruit, in our mouth there is God ordained power to name and create and God honours what comes out of the lips of a man and this verse declares that the produce or the result of our words should worship God. Look at your life does the fruit of your lips glorify God in any day. I am not asking you so that you may be judgemental on self but do it for evaluation, is the fruit of our lips glorifying God.

Jesus in the book of John in the famous chapter 15 where he talk about us being the vine He says “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples”. John 15:8. So God is not only worshipped with the fruit of our lips nor by singing, painting, music and dancing alone but also by the fruit that comes forth from our lives.  When men stand and blessed the God because of you, it’s when the work of your hands speak about who God is all about without you saying anything.

“And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might”. Deuteronomy 6:5 it does not just say worship the Lord with all your songs, dances and music, this scripture shows that God can be glorified by the our bodies, soul and spirits,. It’s not just the words we give but the life we live that blessed God also.

Worship isn't an act, it’s not one thing it’s not just the Music, dance, painting, singing and a lifestyle of worship.  Worship Is glorifying God with all we have and all we own, when we come to a place where we say all I am and will be to the glory of God. It’s not about doing worship it’s about your life being the sweet smelling savour to God.

“I would rather my heart be without words than for my words to be without a heart”, Matt Redman. I believe that there is worship beyond words.

Worship Him In The Beauty Of His Holiness

Question: What other ways can we worship God without words.


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