The Real Presence Of God

You walk into any church and you will hear them singing about the presence of God or talking about the presence of God. 

Lord we want to see you in your presence, Lord we want to know your presence, may we meet with in your presence this morning.  If you are lucky you will hear statements like this "the presence of God is here so lift up your hands".

As a worshipper, church member or usher in
your church, whichever department you serve in, I want to ask you this question, do you know what the presence of God is all about? Do you have a revelation of what the presence of God is all about?

Today we are not talking about what the presence of God is and is not, we are not talking about the attributes of the presence of God either. The presence we speak about and write about do we understand it. 

I see Ezekiel at River Chebar and God shows him vision of things to come all he could do was fall down until God spoke to him. When the real presence of God comes down we become speechless.

I see Isaiah in the year that King Uzziah died that he met Good and he speaks “woe for I'm a man of unclean lips and I dwell with all make of unclean lips”. When the real presence hits your life you see your sin as evident as daylight, exposed and so pronounced. 

I see Daniel on his 21 day fast praying and seeking guidance about Israel's future in captivity and the Archangel Gabriel shows up and starts to speak to him and the bible says Daniel was fearful and fell on his face.  When the real presence of God hits the place there will be a fear of God that adorns you and a response that will be required of you. 

My question is what is our concept of the presence of God? 

When you say the presence of the Lord is now here, do you know what you mean?

What we call the presence of God today is what?


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