
What Does the Word Worship Mean?

Good Day All Yee Worshipers We have taken off aboard the Worship Airways and we start to glide through the air in worship and also to live for worship, our first stop is going to be, what is Worship? Worship is an individual adoration of God; it is a one man’s band. As we yearn to learn what worship is all about we will start with defining what the term worship mean. The Word “Worship” defies definition as it is too big a word to define or breakdown fully, for today we will start to break it down. We will look at how the English Language came up or structured and formed the word worship. The term worship carries several meanings attached to it but when we break its structure we will also understand more and more about worship. a. Worship comes from two Old English Words combined together which are “Worth” and “ship” or “scip” which then make up “Woerthscipe” altogether which means to ascribe quality of having worth or to ascribe the quality of being worthy b. Worship also comes from ...

Incense Of Worship, Ingridients Of Worship

Good Day All Yee Worshippers Exodus 30:34-38 God directly teaches Moses on how to create pure and holy incense which was to be holy and pure of which worship is. Worship is supposed to be pure and holy, this incense was to be made from very rare ingredients which are 1. Stacte – which is the sap from a tree and it represents oozing out as droplets which shows that the word of God which is stored inside of us should oozes out of us in worship. 2. Onycha- a sweet smelling shell found on the shores of the Red Sea in the Indian Ocean the shell is grinded to produce a powder. In worship onycha represents brokenness and we talked about brokenness last week. 3. Galbanum- juice of a shrub which grows in Africa, Arabia and India it was what held together the incense that was offered to God daily and continually in the tabernacle. 4. Pure Frankincense- an aromatic gum that comes from a tree in India which is precious and it speaks of purity, to overcome, to shout as a shout of praise. It means t...

Brokeness The Main Ingredient Of Worship

Good Day All Worshippers “You shall make it a perfume, a confection after the art of confectionary , tempered together pure and holy and thou shall beat some of it and put it very small before the testimony in the tabernacle of the congregation…” Exodus 30:35 Worship is the main ingredient, main foundation, major requirement and also major standing that is offered by a man with a brokenness of heart. Worship is centre hood of God, it’s the heart of God and therefore it requires a broken heart to connect us to Him Brokenness of heart look like a small matter, but it is the determining factor. In Exodus 35 Moses was told to mix a pure and holy perfume which is worship. Its main ingredient was to beat down to make the perfume strong and effective. When a heart is broken it oozes out with love, honor, reverence, fear and knowledge of God. It’s the brokenness of your heart that will take you deeper to the very heart of God. “A broken and contrite heart, O God you will not despise” Psalms 51...

Revelation Worship

All Yee Worshippers In this post post we are going to focus on How worship is done biblically taking it from the book of Revelations. Revelations 5:12 “to him who sits on the throne and unto the lamb be blessing , honour, glory and power for ever and ever”. The bible states that all creation heavenly and earthly should join to bring/ ascribe/to offer unto God blessing, honour, glory and power. I realized that these four words blessing, honour, glory and power encompass the word worship. Worship is just represented by these four words, worship is not just singing it’s a lifestyle so you can sing it, walk it, live it, its basis is that you are giving God glory at all times. Meaning Blessing –thanksgiving, praise, love Honour- respect, fear , reverence, acknowledgement Glory -beauty, splendor, light, effulgence, radiance Power- authority, power, majesty, kingship, governance These words represent all the worship creation should give, angels and creation in heaven should worship in ...

Your Greatest Flight In Life

Thank you for boarding Great Connection Airways We are about to take off Aboard flight W.O.R.S.H.I.P Headed for its destination The presence of God Please fasten your towdah Let tehillah be in your be in your heart Yadah be in your hands Zamar in your bags Shababcs be in your mouth Please be seated in halal And have a baraked journey Enjoy the worship experience And thank you for boarding Great Connection Airways

Worshippers Pitstop

This is the place of learning what God says about worship and were are in the making of the best pitstop were the Word of Worship is discussed in greater depth with everthing bieng taken and discussed from the Word of God Were going to be learning How the Hebrews worshipped and we will use it as a template for us to bring God the Worship that is beffting a King, The Holy and True one. Thank You for holding on. We are coming soon. Glory To God