What Does the Word Worship Mean?

Good Day All Yee Worshipers

We have taken off aboard the Worship Airways and we start to glide through the air in worship and also to live for worship, our first stop is going to be, what is Worship? Worship is an individual adoration of God; it is a one man’s band. As we yearn to learn what worship is all about we will start with defining what the term worship mean. The Word “Worship” defies definition as it is too big a word to define or breakdown fully, for today we will start to break it down.

We will look at how the English Language came up or structured and formed the word worship. The term worship carries several meanings attached to it but when we break its structure we will also understand more and more about worship.

a. Worship comes from two Old English Words combined together which are “Worth” and “ship” or “scip” which then make up “Woerthscipe” altogether which means to ascribe quality of having worth or to ascribe the quality of being worthy

b. Worship also comes from another set of words “Woerdhscipe” which means to give recognition to God which He deserves or which is due to His Name. “Meritoriousness” which basically means “worthiness”

Our ordinary Dictionary explains worship as showing great honour and respect to, praise and pray to God mind you this is what the dictionary states about worship. The Thesaurus explains Worship as respect, adore, cherishing, to respect.

Altogether these are the definitions of Worship according to the English Language and the dictionary, they showed us that worship is about ascribing, giving worth to Him who is Worthy. The meaning of the word worship to the church is different from the meaning of worship to the church so think about it.
What does worship mean to you.

Next Week we will look at what does the Hebrew language define worship as.

God Bless

Ark Of Worship


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