Incense Of Worship, Ingridients Of Worship

Good Day All Yee Worshippers

Exodus 30:34-38 God directly teaches Moses on how to create pure and holy incense which was to be holy and pure of which worship is. Worship is supposed to be pure and holy, this incense was to be made from very rare ingredients which are
1. Stacte – which is the sap from a tree and it represents oozing out as droplets which shows that the word of God which is stored inside of us should oozes out of us in worship.
2. Onycha- a sweet smelling shell found on the shores of the Red Sea in the Indian Ocean the shell is grinded to produce a powder. In worship onycha represents brokenness and we talked about brokenness last week.
3. Galbanum- juice of a shrub which grows in Africa, Arabia and India it was what held together the incense that was offered to God daily and continually in the tabernacle.
4. Pure Frankincense- an aromatic gum that comes from a tree in India which is precious and it speaks of purity, to overcome, to shout as a shout of praise. It means to be joyful and to be full of praise

All these ingredients are qualities that are required of by God and that ascend before God as sweet smelling incense. This Holy incense was not to be made by anyone in the camp, it was to be made of equal proportions of each ingredient, so is worship it is a sum of several ingredients like brokenness, praise purity before God and the anointing of God.

This incense of worship burnt all day in the tabernacle so is worship is supposed to burn in our hearts all day and night because we offer incense, a sweet smelling savory to God when we worship. This incense was mixed daily just as we give God worship daily because it’s a lifestyle not something we do on a Sunday. Morning afternoon and night we offer God worship that is due his Name.

All these ingredients were all precious and imported form various regions as they were rare in Israel. Brokenness, purity, holiness, praise and the word of God are qualities that we have to work on; these qualities are rare today in worship and God wants us to take them in daily these qualities have to be sought after. All these ingredients make up an incense that will come before God daily and unto god that is acceptable worship.


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