What Does Worship Mean, Part 3

What Does The Word Worship Mean? Part 3
As we have looked into the way the word worship is structure according to its English structure and also looked at it from a Hebrew and Greek point of view. Now we are going to contributing to focus on how the word worship is translated from Greek and Hebrew with the main focus on understanding what God intended by worship.

1. The common translation of worship in the Hebrew bible means to bow down, to do homage as seen in Genesis 18:2 and in the Greek language the common reference show utmost reverence (great respect) or bowing down to God and also speaks out that to worship means to minister

2. Worship is also evident in the behaviours of

a. “Gonupeteo” which means bowing down
b. “hishtachawah” which means to kiss forward

3. Worship when translated from Hebrew and Greek shows

a. To worship means to serve or to minister
b. To show respect and submission
c. To bow or kneel, n the bible there are several way of bowing

In the bible bowing down was done in several ways

a. Bow down even with the face to the ground Leviticus 9:24, 1 Kings 1:23
b. To bow with your knees Psalms 45:11
c. Bow over the waist

Worship is all about proclaiming the greatness of God`s attributes, splendour of who God is and to proclaim his absolute sovereignty in our lives.
The translation of the word Worship from Greek and Hebrew language is so rich that we can learn a lot about what worship is and its meaning.
Next week we look at more

God Bless

Ark of Worship

Kelvin Mutize


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