What is Worship Poem

Music Isn`t worship
Praying isn`t worship
Melody isn`t worship
Tunes aren`t worship
Music accompanies our worship
Music is a way of expressing our worship

Bowing down, lying prostrate
Kneeling and standing
Lifting our hands and dancing
Clapping and singing ain`t worship
They accompany worship
They are an expression of our worship

Worship is giving God Glory
Worship is blessing God
Worship submitting and surrendering
Worship is about reverence and respect
Worship is an attitude of the spirit and heart
Worship is then expressed through our body expression
Worship is expressed through our music
That’s becomes worship

God Bless

Ark Of Worship


Anonymous said…
Good post. You are right that worship isn't many things. Worship isn't something we do, it's who we are.


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