Glorious Worship

‘Whatsoever you do, do all ‘to the’ glory of God’, 1 Corinthians 10:31

It’s in the recess of the spirit that we know what Worship is, and when divulging the word of God we realized that Worship is the centre of our lives. Just like I Corinthians speaks we know understand that worship goes beyond singing into our daily lifestyle because here Pastor Paul did not speak about singing glory but actually living ‘to the’ glory of God .

Worship is about giving glory to God and it is done in several ways, several postures and in several places. Worship is ascribing glory, honour, power, dominion and praise to God. Ascribe means to present, give, offer and even means to surrender something to someone.

We ascribe, give, present, offer, and surrender all glory to God. What is glory, glory is the beauty, the splendor, the majesty, the effulgence, the glitz, the power the light, the authority and the honour that’s God abides in

So here 1 Corinthians speaks that let all we do be to the majesty, honour, the light, the honour of God that is the glory that covers God. So when the Bible commands to do all we do “to the” Glory of God it exhorts us to live our lives worthy of the Glory of God, to live our lives for the glory, to live to ascribe Glory to God and as it make our lives align with the glory of God.

God Bless our living “to the” Glory Of God.

“Living for the glory and the worship of God”


Unknown said…
I like your emphasis on "living for the glory and the worship of God". I think that the best way we do that is to live in loving God with our complete beings and loving our neighbors as much as we love ourselves. I invite you to check out my blog on "what is good". You will find it here:

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