Are You Sure Worship Is A Sacrifice

Someone asked is worship truly a sacrifice; I told her that worship is indeed a sacrifice and is also one of the reasons why we worship God and I went on ahead to relate to this article.

 “The sacrifice to God is a broken and contrite heart, O God thou wilt not despise” Psalms 51:7

 Worship is a sacrifice, it has an aroma, a sacrifice has a scent, men today wear a perfume which goes before them and when they leave their perfume, aroma or sacrifice stay behind and also follows them. So is it with worship.

 The scent of worship is what attracts God’s attention to you. Worship has a perfume, It has an aroma, a scent that goes before you and allows you to enter His presence and meet Him face to face. Genesis 8:20-22 Noah built an altar of God, our hearts are altars of God and Noah sacrificed what the bible proclaims to be a “clean animal”.

Worship should be done by a clean hands and a pure heart just like Psalms 57 say “Who shall stand on the Holy Hill only He that has clean hands and a pure heart. It is Holy Spirit that burns the worship we give on the altar which is in our hearts. A fragrance, perfume, scent, an aroma comes to God and God is pleased with such heart worship and God is moved with such worship that He came down and made a covenant with Noah. “Through Him let us offer a sacrifice of praise to God, that is the fruit if lips to the praise of his name” Hebrews 13:15

 Worship becomes a sacrifice when we offer our lives when we come before God with a heart that is totally in awe of God whether it is easy or hard to offer it. An offering of a broken heart is a sacrifice to God especially when you do not feel like worshipping God. Pastor Bonnie Deushcle always speaks this statement, “there are two times to praise God, when you feel like it and when you do not feel like it”. Worship also becomes a sacrifice when you don’t like the music, when you don t feel like it, in a prison like Paul and Silas. When things are not working for you and you just kneel and bow before him and worship because they were sold out for God.

 Lastly Cain brought an offering of obligation before God but then Abel brought a sacrifice of admiration and love to God and this is why God said, “Cain I have hated and Abel I have loved”. It is because God honours and is moved not by need but by our sacrifice and prayers. It’s the sacrifice /worship that God desires and recognises, just like he recognised Abel’s offering because it came from a heart that was sold out for Him. We worship God because we no longer kill animals but we die daily from self and we offer worship that God desires.

So we worship because it is our form of sacrifice. So go ahead and offer God the worship that God desires, offer worship that grabs God’s attention.

 Lastly Sacrifice comes to each and every one of us in different ways to us and we define it according from that perspective. What is important is the way we define what sacrifice, we could have gone on but today we will stop here and continue next time.

 “Worship Him in the Beauty of His Holiness”


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