Good Day Worshippers

This is the yaer where God Takes us into another dimension of worship and its happening here and right now can. I even started thei year by reading the Book by Darlene Zschech called Extravagant Worshipper, guys we should read it.

This year I am making sure that I post twice a week and so you will have to ctach up with me we are also going to be a doing discussions which are going to be done in an amazing way and you do want to miss out on all the learning and growing that we shall have this year.

The most important thing we need to work on is that we should all then be a pert of the growth and grow together.So get involved, be a  part of eveything and let us grow together

We are going to be having an amazing year

Blesses 2011

Worship Him in The Beauty Of Holiness    


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