Magnifying God What Does It Mean?

Good Day Worshippers

When you lift up your hands and sing a song like God I magnify your name, do you understand what it means. Today we are going to learn what it means to magnify God.

"Oh magnify Jehovah with me, and let us exalt his name together". Psalms 34:3
"I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving". Psalms 69:30
"And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord". Luke 1:46
Magnify means (a) Increase in size, volume or significance
(b) To enlarge beyond bounds
(c) amplify
When we speak about magnifying God we will be saying God be made bigger in my heart and Spirit, you get to see God in a greater manner because you are allowing Him into our heart with a reason and a willingness. Worship is all about Him and Him alone because He is God and that He is worthy to be God.

God does not increase in size when we magnify Him, God is already big and God is everywhere and is that not being big already, Isaiah 6 says that the train of His robe fills the temple, its meaning is that God covers the whole earth. So when I magnify God what am I doing then I'm saying to my spirit and soul and even body that God be made increased in my life more and more. The more we magnify God the more we see the greatness of God.

You tell also the creation that there is a great God it is not just about you but about God being magnified in your life alone but also in your world and the world of others.

Ever sang this Song "How great is our God", tell me how your spirit, even your soul felt when you sang that song. God seized to be the small and infinite God you know but He become everything to you. So magnifying God is worship, we are giving God the honour and glory that is due to his name. That is worship already whether you sing it, pray it, write it, live it, magnifying God changes the dimensions of our lives.

So Magnify the Lord with and all that is within Glorify God, let it be the cry of your heart every day and night.

"Worship Him in the Beauty of His Holiness"


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