Worship and Spiritual Warfare Part 3
Part 3 of the series of Worship and Spiritual warfare, what a journey and in this article we continue to look into it. Spiritual battle, warfare or fighting is engaged into when we worship, we give and when we pray and when we worship God.
Worship is
one of the things that get God’s attention the moment we start to offer it. Giving
doesn’t change God, it changes us, praying and fasting does the same they don’t
change God but worship get God’s attention. The devil also knows this that’s is
why he is fights us when we worship the creator because he understands the
effect that worship has on God, So we continue today in the book of 2
Chronicles my favourite chapter in the bible Chapter 20

Here in 2
Chronicles we meet King Jehoshaphat in a predicament as he was faced with
several kingdoms coming to battle against Israel. God told him not to fight but
to stand and lift up his name, to worship in the beauty of His holiness, to
praise and bless his name. It is when they lifted up the name of God, there are
things that happen this is also seen when we just sing songs like How Great Is
Our God because such songs just lift up God as God he in turn responds.
Worship as
said in the previous articles releases the power of God, it is when Israel
blessed God, that He routed the Ammonites and Moabites. Wherever God is lifted
he shows up and touches people, even as you read, you know you are facing these
Moabites and Ammonites, all you need to do is simply worship , God will be
unleashed upon they that fight against your life.
So how does
it work then? Was the question I was asked as I presented my case to a choir.
When you focus on God, your heart, mind and soul just focus on blessing God and
lifting Him up. Israel’s focus was not the army in their backyard, they where
to love on God, lifting him u, worship Him and bless his name and in the midst
of Him receiving praise that he routed their enemies.
So when you worship let your focus be God,
don’t praise because you need help but praise when it is good so that when bad
comes you know can still lift him up and not be stuck. Israel and King
Jehoshaphat were bent on focused on lifting up his name and he in turn routed
their enemies before their eyes they did not have to do anything but just pick
up the gold, silver livestock left.

We meet David inquiring of the Lord and his
answer was that they shall not attack but God told them to stand in order,
battle array and they wait for God. Their signal was to hear then noise of
marching on the top of the mulberry trees. God power was released as the
children Israel worshipped, their obedience was their spiritual act of worship.
They obeyed and God fought for them and routed all their enemies that by the
time they attacked the war was already won.
Some of us we have battle scars, deep and
unhealed because we did not wait for God to direct us, we just went in straight
and we got a huge beating. Worship releases God and his angelic into spiritual
warfare with the evil forces over our lives, family, nations and earth.
One thing that I have learnt about worship as I
have been doing this series answered the question what is worship? The answer
is that worship is obedience, when you follow this whole series you will find
that all the times that God fought for the children of Israel, it was hinged
upon their obedience.
Worship is obedience.
“Worship In The Splendour Of His Holiness”