Worship and Spiritual Warfare Part 4

The bible is so full of a lot of warfare which was summoned by at the hand of worship. Worship and warfare are synonymous and for me, one thing that has stood out as I have been going through this series is that when we worship God, He responds. We have said that worship is our response to God, now we have learnt that God also responds to us when we worship him.

One thing I have learnt also is that when we worship in earnestness and focus alone on God lifting Him, telling him of who he is, warfare is done at his hand because he loves us. So in this Part 4 of Worship and Spiritual Warfare we are focusing on the how we can engage our lives in battle and how we can win victories with God on our side.

So how do we fight or participate in this war?

One of the ways “I will, therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting” 1Timothy 2:8 and “He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully” Psalms 24:4. There is so much power which is released when we lift up our hands.

When we raise our hands we mean two things, one of them is surrender. When we lift up our hands we are giving our lives to God, we surrender ourselves to God and this allows God to do anything in us because God works by free will. When we lift our hands we surrender to God our lives to God. So there is power in lifting up our hands in worship and praise

God created our bodies as instruments of war,” A Psalm of David. Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight”, Psalms 144:1. Our hands when they were created to do war in the physical and in the spiritual realms.

There is power when we lift up our holy hands which God created to fight, just the fact that you raise your hands you are actually fighting against evil and you win because when you lift up your hands you are only subject to the one you are lifting up your hands unto. Lifting hands is a sign of victory as well and that signifies that we are conquering or have conquered.

One other ways is to be obedient to what God says, being obedient to what God is doing. Worship is obedience and when we obey what god is saying we will reap the full benefits of worship. All the times when God fought for Israel they had to play a part in it, our part in spiritual warfare is to stand and obey what God is saying because God works at the level of your obedience. You want to be a part of this spiritual warfare then learn to obey God.

Offering pure praise and worship is another way that we can participate in warfare, our focus should not be worshipping so that God could destroy something but out focus should be to offer pure praise. God responds to pure worship, so if you want to participate in the warfare or to aide it then you need to learn to offer it with “clean hands, and a pure heart”. Our worship will get the attention of God and remember wherever God is lifted up, He shows up.

So learn to function and operate in a place where you allow God to fight for your life, where you allow God to fight for his will to be instituted and come against the evil that has set its life against you, your family, nation and the word of God. Learn to worship and allow God to fight your battle with you.

“Worship In The Splendour Of His Holiness”


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