7 Reasons Why We Should Worship God
Good Day Worshippers
We have
spoken about the reasons why we shouldn’t worship now lets focus on the
thousand reasons why we should worship
God. We were created to worship and bless the name of the Lord.
All of us
we worship God for different reasons, think about all the reasons why your
family, church, organization or yourself the reason why you worship God.
Looking into the manual of life, the bible what are some of the reasons the
bible says we should worship God.
God because He is God
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me” Exodus
20:3. The I AM THAT I AM, can’t we just worship Him for no reason. Do we have a
reason to love our parents but the fact that they are our parents, they may be
rich as Bill Gates or poor as a church mouse but we love them inspite of
anything they are our parents. So can’t we just worship and love God for the
simple fact that He is God.
created us Isaiah 43:21
people which I formed for myself, that they might set forth my praise.”
“Every one
that is called by my name, and whom I have created for my glory, whom I have
formed, yea, whom I have made”, Isaiah 43: 7 and 21.
Each one
of us were created not just to dominate, multiply the earth alone but we were
also created to have fellowship with God. We were created in his likeness and
that we may enjoy his presence, glory and most important of all fellowship with
Him everyday that is to worship Him.
a command
shall be written for the generation to come; And a people which shall be
created shall praise Jehovah”, Psalms 102:18.
God knows how important it is that we worship Him, he created man to worship,
so that they can enjoy Him and the beauty He has. He had to made it a command,
not to be Lord but to bring our attention and aspect of life to understanding
of what we ought to do.
is Worthy,
“Will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine
enemies”, Psalms 18:3. “I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine
enemies”, 2Sa 22:4. Even if we do not feel like giving him glory God will
remain, is and will remain worthy or all our praise. We can never equate our
worship to Him but He is worthy and remains the same yesterday, today and
tomorrow. It is when we worship Him for who He is that we partake of who He is.
Worship because our attitude of the heart and spirit are to bless God
“But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true
worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth, for such doth the
Father seek to be his worshippers”, John 4:23. “The sacrifices of God are a
broken spirit: A broken and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise”, Psalms
Worship should be an attitude of the heart and
spirit which is then expressed through or lives. Worship starts from within and
is reflected on the outside. God desire and yearns for worship that begins from
our spirits and heart for him that is pure. That brings pleasure to him and it
gratifies and fill our lives with so much of God.
is our response to God
“And all the people saw the pillar of cloud stand
at the door of the Tent: and all the people rose up and worshipped, every man
at his tent door”, Exodus
33:10, And Jehoshaphat bowed his
head with his face to the ground; and all Judah and the inhabitants of
Jerusalem fell down before Jehovah, worshipping Jehovah”, 2Chronicles 20:18
God will come down and meet with His children in the wilderness they would
respond by worshipping Him, they are countless instances in the Exodus alone
that the Israelites would respond to God in worship. King Jehoshaphat and all of Judah responded the same
when God spoke to them through a Levite.
is when God goodness, greatness, miracle, blessing, deliverance, and all the
prayer request that you send daily to God, when they are answered what do you
do and how do you respond.
is our own avowal.
way to display our avowal (declaration, heralding, showing forth) is written in
Hebrews 13:15 that “the fruit of lips acknowledge (worship) His name and “One
generation shall praise your work to another and shall declare our mighty acts”
Psalms 148:4
do you worship God?