7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Worship

Good Day Worshippers 

Our lives we were created to worship and we have learnt for some people to worship automatically, some to be cranked up some have to be asked to worship otherwise we wouldn’t even think of lifting up out lives for worship.

I have said the simplest definition of worship is giving God glory and nowadays people worship because of crazy reasons. Ask this question as see the reasons why they worship and you will see how people hearts have been conditioned either to the good or bad.

The first mention of the worship in Genesis 22 its meaning was not a song or anything but spoke of OBEDIENCE, SUBMISSION AND FAITH. Think upon this as we go through this article.

So let’s talk of the 7 Reasons why we should worship and remember it’s not just the heart but the attitude and why we are doing it hey

  1. Breakthrough, lots of people worship because they are looking for breakthrough. Their reason is let me worship so that God may get me that breakthrough

  1. Healing, I am sick today so if I just worship, if I worship him he must heal me. My healing will only come if I worship, so God I am worshipping you so that you may heal me.

  1. Family Issues, Lord you know my situation how bad it and I need you to help me family they need to be born again.

  1. Finances: my prosperity is here its coming so here I am to worship so that God may bless me.

  1. Nothing to do: a lot of people have nothing to  do, or is its a lack of vision, so they just join in because they have nothing to do

  1. Problems : worship is a daily lifestyle and way of living and we shouldn’t worship because of trouble because we should worship always, whether good or bad we are to lift him up

  1. Make me happy, I feel sad and I know if I can worship I will feel much better, God isn’t a massage parlor. Yes when you worship, God works within us and we feel lightheaded as some will say, but one shouldn’t go to God so that he can feel better.
Just be like Solomon, he offered up a huge sacrifice and his heart did not have a reason but only to thank God for his mercy and God showed up in his life and this is what we should aim to do, just worship him because He is God and when you lift up God he is enthroned upon your praise.

God is moved to show up in your life when you worship Him and you can make any request once you are in his presence. We make reasons to enter into his presence but God says enter into my presence with thanksgiving and praise. We choose to enter into his presence with a mindset that God is Father Christmas, God I need healing today, I am feeling down so if I worship I will be okay. We better watch out for what we do and the reason we do them.

Someone is saying no right now, he has taken in out very far, lets say you are married but you I love you because you give me money,  what about the day that they don’t want with their money. What do you do with them? Isn’t that arm twisting a person is a bad thing, so then why do we do the same with God.

" Worship Him in The Beauty of His Holiness"


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