Is Worship a Sunday Thing or A Daily Life Experience, What Do You Think…

Congratulations and Compliments of 2012.... In My church its been declared that its a year of "Putting God First". May we all put God first and may we chase after Him with everything we have and may God fill your year with plenty much of him and may worship be deeper and become as natural as breathing air....

Worship is a lifestyle not mean to be a Sunday event, it is a daily experience which we are committed to for the rest of our existence, so if you don’t go to church does that mean that in that week, or if you relocate away from church then you will not worship.

Worship goes beyond geographical boundaries, atmospheres, locations, prayer, churches and any kind of meetings. We worship God everywhere and anywhere, with lifted voices, with silent adoration, lifted hands, fruits of our lips, the blessing from our hearts and whatever we can find to bring glory to our God.

“Worship is a lifestyle and daily experience and not an event”

Worship in church is important as it brings that corporate worship even David knew that worship in a congregational place has an amazing blessing as the draws a lot from God, where two or three are gathered in my name there I would be also. Corporate worship is highly important as it bring the whole group as worship as a corporate body.

“Worship starts from deep within our hearts and is expressed in the way we relate to God”

Worship in the Old Testament was restricted only to the temple because that is where the presence of God was housed in the form of the Ark of the Covenant but after the death of Jesus worship in the New Testament was offered everywhere so long as you are willing to lift him higher.

“God will be pleased with the man whose life prove what their lyrics are saying”

Jesus said it in John 4:20 that it’s not the venue whether it’s a mountain, temple, synagogue, festivals but it was to become a man’s lifestyle everywhere, man had become the temple so where ever the man was that is where worship would be offered.

“Worship is not an external activity precipitated by the right environment”

When worship is lead by people with an apostolic, prophetic or evangelistic gift, that worship takes people places into the heart of God. I come from a house where worship is lead by a prophetess and every Sunday our worship is different. There are certain things that God can only release in a corporate setting rather than in a personal worship life.

Corporate worship will be most powerful when the individuals that gathered in the place have been worshipping God throughout the whole week before they came to worship in a corporate setting.

“Worship is how we live our daily lives and not how we express it on Sunday mornings”

Worship the Lord always, don’t wait to sing a song, or dance, worship through and because of the blood of Jesus is now everywhere and everywhere, in the Old Testament you had to be led by a Priest or Levitical Singer and now worship is done by you and Jesus is your Worship Leader.

Is Worship a Sunday Thing or A Daily Life Experience, what do you think… 

“Worship Him in the Splendor of His Beauty”


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