What’s Gone Wrong With The Worship Of Today

Worship or act of worship with time developed and has become better and in that same place we have lost the potency of worship. God’s ways always bring grace and 

Worship is the place where God meets man, which is the point of contact as men lift him up He dwells in the praise Psalms 22:3. When he is lifted up He draws all men unto himself and our worship today lacks that element of God. As the church, with a capital “C” body of Christ we are slowly losing the potency of worship.

What are some of the things that we are losing grip on that actually allow us to see the face of God
·         Disregard of the people we serve

A Worshipper leader is there to serve God and also serve men, as worshipper we are minister and not the big boss. We are meant to bring the face of God to the doorstep of the congregation but we have come to the place where we exalt ourselves and we forget that we are servants of the people. We look at them with disdain and treat them like clients

We have lost our heart for God, we no longer feel for the people that we were sent to minister unto and we have been entangled by a lot of things today and we no longer have regard for human life, we have lost the heart that God has for people. May the Lord bring us to the place where we love people genuinely and I now our worship will bring the presence of God every time we lift Him up.

·         Rigidity
With time we lose our selves to a lot of things and we lose sight of the ways of God or we are stuck up in the ways of old and we find ourselves living a life where we follow a routine and when God shows up in our lives or even in the church we no longer recognize Him. The Lord only work through this and not that way that is not God, we have become rigid and we no longer follow God move we choose to be contained to the way of old.

Just like how the chief priests rejected the apostles, the Lord Jesus, in the spirit of today we no longer connect with the Lord. May we stay hungry and thirsty of God and may He keep filling us up with more of Him that we may never lose sight of Him and His ways.

·         Worshipping from empty
 We are meant to bring God to the people and this same God we don’t even have him living alive in our hearts, let alone have a relationship with Him. We don’t even realize that we are empty and that we are familiar with the altar of God. We have not realized how we are offering worship in empty and we wonder why church and life is stagnant.

We are so overworked, busy itineraries, schedules, life, family and all that we rarely have time to connect with God and let alone read the word of God, our fuel tanks are always empty and we just and worship on his altar, empty and we see it not.

Let us return to the former love, the place where we served the Lord because we loved Him. Remember the love you had for God when you started worshipping Him how excited you were and how your heart longed only to worship the Lord. 

Look at your life, do a self introspection and remember no condemnation to anyone or even to you. If you know someone who is walking in this place where you can see even a decline in their lives, even if it is you, take time and pray this short prayer with me.

Father I thank you for your love and faithfulness, thanking you that you chose us to serve and minister to you and your people. Today we know we have deviated from your ways, lost your leading. I pray that you will help me to come to that heart of worship, when all music stops and all. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.  Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.  Restore unto me the joy of worship and uphold me with thy loving spirit In Jesus Name.  Amen

"Worship Him In The Beauty Of His Holiness"


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