Distractions In Worship

So many times we look to the external things that will distract our worship. So many times we look at the external factors, like band, my voice isn’t plus I have a cold and most of the time we blame it on the sound guys, things went that bad because we couldn’t hear ourselves onstage, no air conditioning was off and we were cold.

So many times we look for someone to blame for the things that go wrong in our lives even in our worship. What are some of the things that hold us back from worshipping that stem from within our own lives?  

1.      Guilt:
So many times we are full of guilt that is just so ripe in our lives and we carry that guilt into the presence of God. That causes our attention to shift from God and we start worrying and thinking of ourselves and we lose sight of the God we worship. Either that or we feel so inadequate of everything and not worthy to stand in that place just like Isaiah said, “Woe I am a man of unclean lips”

2.      Sin 
“But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear”. Isaiah 59:2 “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me”, Psalms 66:18.

God loves the sinner but hates the sin. Sin causes a rift between us and God. We walk close to the presence of God with unconfessed sin and then we cannot expect God to meet us in that place. Our own sin stops us from looking to the King and connecting with you.

3.      Fear
Fear of the unknown always kills the human spirit that it makes us so low and so weak to stand for anything and such fear is not what God is looking for within us. We stand in place where we fear the terrible hand of the Lord, where our minds are filled with thought of judgment and nothing else and that alone shifts our attention.  

4.      Self-Image
Sometimes we have this huge self-image which doesn’t look at God but doesn’t consider him. You will see this among the worshippers whether musicians or singers. It’s not the gift that allows you access it’s because God has already given access the gift we have is to bless the church and his people with bringing the presence of God. Let put Christ first before our abilities, talents or gifts.

5.      Wrong Concepts of God
We walk into the presence of God and we feel like God owe us something for what we do and we have to be blessed for us worshipping. When we don’t know the word of God we will not have the right ideas or concept of God.  The world is coming up with weird concepts of God and if we do not take time to learn the word for ourselves we will carry around the wrong concepts and this will always bring wrong results as well.

Take a look at your life, this is no self-condemnation but a place to look into yourself and evaluate yourself with the Word of God and see where you are with God and how can you get better in your worship. May our lives always be worthy to bring worship and honour to God at all times and any time in our lives so that all praise goes to God always.

What are some of the things (human traits) that can destroy and distract us from worshipping?

Question: What are some of the things that distract your worship?

“Worship Him In The Beauty Of His Holiness”


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