How To Touch Generations Through Worship

Touching generations though worship isn't the real intention we stand and lift up the name of Jesus. With our world full of different generations plus the future generations, we see that worship reaches to that whole spectrum. Touching generations is a byproduct of our
worship, it's not the focus but God blesses us in return with the ability to touch a generations.

Reading though Psalms I have learnt something about Worship, it's not
just declaring or showing forth his word but It is also a means to
witness, proclaiming and herald the message of the kingdom to the
current generation both old and young, unbelievers and generations to

1. "One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall
declare thy mighty acts. I will speak of the glorious honour of thy
majesty, and of thy wondrous works".
Psalms 145:4-5.

It shows that as we worship we are speaking and declaring the message
of God to the world and to the generations to come making a
declaration which stand to affect the way our children's children will
worship. It means that as we worship God the focus of it all should be
God and glorifying Him. As we worship we are showing the world who He
is and what He is about even I a small way God uses that too.

2. "I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the
congregation will I praise thee". Psalms 22:22

Psalms 22 explains the heart of worship, as we fall in love with our
Lord people will see, current, old and young generation will hear and
unbelievers will be looking and they will come to see the goodness of
God because they see us giving praise and glory to God they see the
transformation and the change that is meant to happen when we live
right. May man fall in love with God as they see us in love with Him.

3. "I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations:
therefore shall the people praise thee for ever and ever", Psalms

These are David words to God as He proclaims that he was to stand in
gap and cause God's name to be worshipped. David didn't just make a
vow, David fulfilled his vow in that he administered temple worship
and formalized sacrifices that for generations even after exile people
still followed his administration of worship. His wasn't just a
byproduct but also but an intentional way making sure that his
generation and his sons generations worshipped the Lord

4. Worship creates a platform for God and mankind to meet, when and if
God inhabits our worship no word shall be needed just like in
Solomon's time of dedicating the temple "the priests could not enter
into the house of the LORD, because the glory of the LORD had filled
the LORD'S house". 2 Chronicles 7:2

So many times we expect that people will get to receive Christ by
hearing the word spoken but we do forget that worship will preach a
message stronger and more cut throat that the best evangelist in the
world can. We might not see anything, we may not see the manifest
presence like Solomon saw but God would have done it. Worship has
power to take generations to a place where they see and recognize who
He is, all we need to do is allow to be used and that our love be seen

May we know the way to worship and may we teach others that manner of
life, as we worship God, mankind is seeing and may it put its trust in
the Lord, what shall generations see from your life, what shall
generations stand upon, may our worship cause people to want to fall
in love with Him also.

What are you going to do to make sure that generations worship?

May man fall in love with God as they see us in love with Him.

"Worship Him In The Beauty Of His Holiness


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