Worshipping From The Heart....

Courtesy: www.topnews.in

How We Worship Reason 1

There are so many reason how we worship and I have realised that there are so many of them but if all of our worship isn't based from the heart we are busy self entertaining. 

Our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit and our hearts are the altars of sacrifice. The worship of God starts from the heart. God is not moved by the expressions we do in worship but the heart that is behind the expression just as one man said “true worship is felt inwardly and expressed through actions and expressions. God desires that worship flow from a broken, clean, contrite, open, pure heart has is bent on worshipping God alone.

“Worship without the heart becomes stage play”

“Rather let your heart be without words than for your words o be without a heart” Matt Redman

“Worship is an occupation of the hearts with God Himself not its own needs”.

Jesus spoke of the Samaritan woman that it was not place of worship that matter but that God transferred that place into hearts of mankind and it is from where God desires worship, from the heart.

So if you are going to worship let it be from the depths of your heart. Paul in Silas in a prison cell could worship because they worshipped from deep within their hearts and god moved because he was drawn to the heart that was behind the worship and he moved so that there was an earthquake. Even David could not lift up his voice to worship the Lord because he was full of guilt about Bathsheba.

God is not moved or impressed with our worship until our hearts are moved and impressed by Him. It is in the overflow that God wants us to rest in and work in, Worship is an occupation of the heart. It is what the heart was created to do just to worship Him alone. “Worship is not an art but the heart”

God desires that the worship we give to him be from our hearts that which blesses him it is so because when God meets us face to face he comes with his whole being and heaven so that he might touch a man or woman on earth. So if we are willing to lay down our lives God is willing to do more than just to show up in your life.

Worship Him in the Beauty of His Holiness


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