
Distractions To Worship

Worship is all about glorifying God, its starts from the heart and it’s expressed through a lot of ways our lives, singing, praying, dancing, a lifestyle and many other ways of expressing it to God. The idea of worship is that one prostrates himself before a superior being with a sense of respect, fear and awe. A lot of times we come before God and we have a certain way we want him to show up and do certain things in our lives and he usually does the opposite, which always leaves us standing in awe of who he is, “this can only be done by God”. There are so many distractions to our worship and here are just a few of them; We aren’t meant to enjoy worship we are meant to enjoy the presence of God. We now Worship, Worship itself we get so lost in the fellowship with other saints, the music, the ambiance and everything else and we loose sight that we are meant to worship God and not the things around us. We come before the Lord, we sing, lift our h...

The Role Of The Holy Spirit Part 2

When I discovered my calling in worship I was so hungry and thirsty to know what worship is all about by as I spoke with other worshippers I got frustrated by the answers that they gave to me, because the answers that they have me were merely words and people’s experiences, few where teaching me about the importance of the Holy Spirit in worship It wasn’t to last a few years later that I learnt the work of the Holy Spirit. It’s good to know people’s experiences in worship but do not make them the basis of your understanding of worship. Use the word as your basis to understand worship and its importance. “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth : for he shall not speak of himself ; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come . He shall glorify me : for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you”, John 16:13-14   1.     H e...

The Role of The Holy Spirit In Worship

The Holy Spirit is part of the Triune being and as the bible says that he was sent to earth so that he may teach us all things and helps us the Greek word for that is “paraclete” which means parallel to, it works parallel with the spirit of a man. Jesus in the book of John “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth : for he shall not speak of himself ; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come . He shall glorify me : for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you”, John 16:13-14  The Holy Spirit is the best gift that God gave to mankind and we should allow him to work within us. The Holy Spirit isn’t an idea He is real and living inside of us, He is our helper and guide. It’s him who opens up our spirit and minds to see more of God, bringing revelation and wisdom in our lives, adorning us with favour and wisdom. To them that know Him they are led by Him  “But God hath ...

Why We Worship With Lifted Hands

Why We Worship With Lifted Hands   The reason why we worship with lifted hands is because it is a command from God and its also a powerful tool and this clip explains why we worship with lifted hands wading through the bible to understand such powerful truth  

Whats Coating Your Worship! Heart or Vanity

Worship in a basic meaning means to glorify God, give glory to God, to ascribing worth to God. With time we have assumed a revelation of worship passed from people’s experience and opinion and we have made it our own. This I say because the first time I joined a worship team people told me of their experiences in worship and not what the bible say about worship. Worship isn’t kneeling, singing, dancing, painting, wailing, lying prostrate, falling facewards, crying and all other expressions. These expressions help us show God the attitude in our heart and they reflect our hearts. What is coating our worship? “Then the king Nebuchadnezzar fell upon his face, and worshipped Daniel, and commanded that they should offer an oblation and sweet odours unto him”, Dan 2:46   “O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker [in reverent praise and supplication] ”, Psalms 95:6    “Sing to God, sing praises to his name; lift up a song to ...

Miraculous Worship

They say that heartfelt worship you will find is in jail or in a hospital because the focus of such people is totally God alone. These are the places where people are hungry and are really looking for God. Sometimes we don’t have that sense of abandonment that they have when they worship because of their earnestness miracles do follow them because of their abandonment that is what opens the miraculous over their heads. In Acts 16 we meet Paul and Silas and I have written quite a few articles about them but this time it spoke something deep within me. At midnight they were singing praise, their focus wasn’t the jail, their wounds, their ill treatment, the stocks, the fetters, the darkness or anything but their focus was to praise God in everything. Their focus was God and lifting him up and they were so loud that other prisoners heard them. Most times when we are in such places we have a exit strategy planned for God, this is the way I th...

The Worship That Breaks Out...

It’s not the way of the world 2 Chronicles 13:11 we meet an angry King David blaming God that he was trying to bring glory to God by bringing the ark back into Jerusalem something that King Saul did not do. In the process of the Ark being brought, God broke out, smote and killed Uzzah because he took ahold of the Ark as it was stumbling and stopping it from falling. Was it Uzzah’s fault that he got killed? surely with all your intelligence if you see something falling what would you do? If you knew that the hopes of the whole country falling and crashing before you, what would you do? human senses will tell you “do something”. Then why did God break out on Uzzah.   David went back into the scriptures and learnt that it only the duty of Levites to the carry the Ark of the Lord anywhere and he wasn’t supposed to use ordinary men or man from any other tribe to carry the ark of the Lord into Israel. He also learnt that it was a Philistine system (worldly system) of car...

Power of the Name of Jesus

Happy 2012, I believe that this year is my year and your year where GOD will be lifted up daily within us 24/7 throughout and this year we start with the Name of the Lord A name represents the character of the person, God’s name declares much about person but the Bible reveals God and his name. In today’s world names carry little weight as people carry nicknames, alias’s stage names and all but in the biblical time your name meant a lot of who you are and the destiny you carried, that’s why God had to change the names of some people so that he could work on them. The International Bible Encyclopedia explains that A “name” is that by which a person, place or thing is marked and known. In Scripture, names were generally descriptive of the person, of his position, of some circumstance affecting him, hope entertained concerning him, etc., so that “the name” often came to stand for the person The name of the Lord signifies authority and power and his holy character and in ...

What is worship?

Image Chad Marriott Posted on: Thursday 15 December 2011 As musical directors at Kingdom Faith Church, Chad Marriott and Pete Norman are passionate about seeing people meet with God through worship and work tirelessly to train up and release others in their musical gifting. This is a transcript of a recent interview with them on the subject of “What is worship?” What is worship? Chad : I would say that worship is what you give out or your heart. It’s your heart expression towards God and that expression is expressed through your lifestyle and basically your relationship with God. And of course we know that people tend to think that worship is just the music side of things, but that is just one of many expressions. So if I was to put it down to one thing I would say worship is your own heart expression towards God. Pete: I would second that and say worship is your lifestyle. Worship is a lifestyle that honours God, in one part, a...