
The Effect of Sin On The Heart Of A Worshipper

The centre of human life is the heart and this same heart is the same source of our worship. The heart is the heart of human existence. An unclean source of water gives out unclean water and its the same with our hearts.  Think about it, why does God keep pressing that we live our lives for Him.  Worship is the best place for us to know him and create a relationship with him through the Holy Spirit.  God wants us to experience his presence always and sin inhibits us from the place. Sin and iniquity are sent to attack the source of our worship, the heart, to taint it and destroy everything in the  path. You find David crying out his heart to God create in me a clean heart and renew our spirit oh God, so that what had suffocated because of sin and iniquity may come alive. So many times we sweep sin under the carpet and we choose not deal with it. We have to learn to deal with sin as soon as it arises, why? The Effect of Sin On The Heart 1. Festers and Grow- sin is like...

A Night Of Worship, Harare Zimbabwe

It's time for us to bless The Lord and just lift him up & the 29 of August is just one such night to just let it all loose and lift him up.... Come join us in blessing his Name.. Check out all the details...

Communion And Fellowship: What Its All About

Worship is lifting up the name of God in all splendor with everything we have in life, it’s not just a song you sing, worship is a lifestyle and daily experience not a 2hour Sunday recreation of taking off stress. Worship is what we were created to do, Isaiah 43:21 states “ This people have I formed for myself; they shall declare my praise ” When I talk of fellowship I am not talking of meeting with the brethren once or twice a week to have coffee, tea, biscuits, and a song plus discussing a chapter of the bible. When I talk of communion I am talking of taking the Lord’s Supper and the elements not am talking about the frequency we should take it. The bible sometimes uses these interchangeably because they basically speak of the same lifestyle. I am talking of a lifestyle of living and knowing God in an intimate way. Talking of not knowing God at 8am, 1pm or at 10pm when you sleep, only knowing during your prayer time and beyond that there isn’t anything. I speak of a l...

How To Touch Generations Through Worship

Touching generations though worship isn't the real intention we stand and lift up the name of Jesus. With our world full of different generations plus the future generations, we see that worship reaches to that whole spectrum. Touching generations is a byproduct of our worship, it's not the focus but God blesses us in return with the ability to touch a generations. Reading though Psalms I have learnt something about Worship, it's not just declaring or showing forth his word but It is also a means to witness, proclaiming and herald the message of the kingdom to the current generation both old and young, unbelievers and generations to come. 1. "One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts. I will speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty, and of thy wondrous works". Psalms 145:4-5. It shows that as we worship we are speaking and declaring the message of God to the world and to the generations to come making ...

The Bible The Worshipper: Which is Which

She would say if you are going to be in this choir, band or banners you need to read, live and understand the word of God. In my mind I would be like oh yah, how does singing and reading the bible connect but it took me a while till I got the understanding of how important it is to know his word. I was reminded of this a few days ago I was reading an article by Herald of His Coming, June 2011 edition and there was a statement in that was the newspaper magazine that struck a chord within me and it said “How can you have the precepts of the Holy Scriptures coursing through your mind that much without being radically changed by them” As I read this statement this scripture this scripture came to mind “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee” Psalms 119:11 David speaks and says I have hidden you word in my heart that I may not sin against you, so his word runs through our blood system there is a shift and change not just of the mind but of the charact...

Joyful Noise and The Power Of The Mouth: Biblical References

Joyful noise To Be Joyful means - Full of joy; very glad; exulting “A Psalm of praise. Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands”. Psalms 100:1 “To the chief Musician upon Gittith, A Psalm of Asaph. Sing aloud unto God our strength: make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob”. Psalms 81:1 “Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms”. Psalms 95:2 “With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the LORD, the King”. Psalms 98:6 “To the chief Musician, A Song or Psalm. Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands”: Psalms 66:1 The Mouth and Worship “My mouth shall shew forth thy righteousness and thy salvation all the day; for I know not the numbers thereof”. Psalms 71:15 “Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day”. Psalms 71:8 “Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the av...

Distractions In Worship

So many times we look to the external things that will distract our worship. So many times we look at the external factors, like band, my voice isn’t plus I have a cold and most of the time we blame it on the sound guys, things went that bad because we couldn’t hear ourselves onstage, no air conditioning was off and we were cold. So many times we look for someone to blame for the things that go wrong in our lives even in our worship. What are some of the things that hold us back from worshipping that stem from within our own lives?   1.       Guilt: So many times we are full of guilt that is just so ripe in our lives and we carry that guilt into the presence of God. That causes our attention to shift from God and we start worrying and thinking of ourselves and we lose sight of the God we worship. Either that or we feel so inadequate of everything and not worthy to stand in that place just like Isaiah said, “Woe I am a man of unclean lips” ...

What The Bible Says About Crying...

Crying T here are a various number of Hebrew words which have been translated into crying and the two of them are “Shava” /”Shawa” and   “Qara” “Shava”, “Shawa” and it means to properly to be free ; outburst for freedom from some trouble “Qara” (appeal to God) properly address by name, Crying in the bible was a sign of to name loudly and publicly for giving notice Especially a cry for help, from pain or distress or anguish. I n worship it could mean we are in prayer, humility, sadness or sometimes crying is just shedding tears of joy. To call importunately; to utter a loud voice, by way of earnest request of prayer or it would mean to utter a loud voice in weeping; to utter the voice of sorrow; to lament or it could mean to utter a loud sound in distress. “Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray”. Psalms 5:2 “In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his t...