Is That the Reason You Worship Him Because He is Just God

Good Day 

We are learning the reasons why we worship God and we find out that they are lot of them and today we are learning one more reason why we worship God.

“Ascribe to the Lord Glory due to your name. Worship Him in Holy array”. Psalms 29:2

“Ascribe the Glory that is due his name” 1 Chronicles 16:29

“The Lord is the only object or reason for worship”. Unknown

Man always looks for a reason why do I do this and what is the use of us doing this. We have just have to learn to worship God with the simple reason that he is God alone, Holy, Mighty. Most of the times men worship God when God has done something in their lives its their reason for worshipping God because He has done something for them or they want something form God. “And he said, blessed be Jehovah, the God of Israel”, 1Ki 8:15 this was Solomon’s words as he offered an offering of 1000 bulls before God.

People in the Old Testament sacrificed many animals and God was moved by the heart behind the sacrifice. one instance is Solomon and his sacrifice he gave it to God because God was Just God over Israel and was done out of knowing that He is God.

Paul and Silas in a jell cell according to Acts 16:25 “But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns unto God, and the prisoners were listening to them”. They needed no reason to worship, circumstances were not favourable for worship but they still worshipped God not for them to be released but because to them God was just God and Lord.  Heavenly Host and angels all worship God all worship Him day and night they need no reasons to worship Him but they worship Just because He is God.

  So think about why do you worship the God of Heaven you Worship, think about it what your motive is when you come before God. Worship is all about pursuing that which pleases God. Think at it why you worship because you need Him to do something or what.

God Bless


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