So You Worship Because You Seek Revelation of Who He Is.

Good Day Worshipers
Think about it you worship God because you seek revelation is that wrong we say NO.
“We cannot truly worship God and remain unchanged” Geoff Bullock
“Worship God with revelation, worship without revelation is dull”, Matt Redman
God is shrouded in mystery and the only way to get this revelation is by worship.
When we worship God with all earnestness and from deep within the recesses of our hearts, we are guaranteed of a meeting with God face to face, it is such worship that will help you to get a hold of God seeing him it is because God manifest himself where he is properly worshipped.
The first day of existence for the 24 elders and heavenly host, from the moment they started to worship they had an idea just like the first day you worshipped God when you gave your life to God. It is the more they worshipped that God revealed himself more to them but it was because the worship they offered.
Today they will see a different aspect of God and they would say Holy and they will worship and the time they go about the throne and lift up their heads they would see another aspect of who God is. God reveals himself to a generation that truly worships him right.
Pastor Bonnie Deuschle said, “Worship precedes revelation” the biggest way to know who God is to worship him truly. No one ever encountered God and was left the same An encounter with God guarantees revelation. Worship is more a blessing to humankind as we are blessed more by just offering God worship as he reveals himself more when we worship.
“It is the glory of God to conceal a thing; But the glory of kings is to search out a matter”. Proverbs 25:2, we owe it to our live we profess to live for god that we should to search out who God is and worship offers us such a platform where we know who God is and how the Holy Spirit work.
Bottom line worship brings worship to our lives but the level of revelation is dependent upon the how and why you worship God and the also how earnest your heart is towards the God you are worshipping.
It is not bad for you to worship God because you desire to know Him more,  God created worship that it may bring revelation to our lives of WHO HE is
God  Bless


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