Worship! An Attitude of the Heart and Spirit

This article today is on one of the reason we found in our series on the reasons why we worship God. So here it goes Worship is an attitude of the heart and spirit

“God is not moved by the expression we do in worship, God is more interested by the heart behind the worship”

“Worship is not all about you and your needs”

“Worship is a state and attitude of both heart and spirit”

When our hearts and spirit are broken, contrite, and full of adoration we learn to worship from the depths of our lives and God is pleased by such worship. Man was created for worship it is the first thing you subconsciously or consciously just like we were taught to say thank you.

When we kneel, clap, sing, jump and kneel are all expressions which the heart is emoting. Worship starts from the heart, worship is about the heart and then the heart expresses this emotion by kneeling, singing, jumping and all sorts of expressions. They are all expressions of the overflow of our hearts to the love of God and our bodies are to be used for His glory as well as our hearts and spirits.

Worship is a vehicle that was created by God for man to express and approach God with love, reverence, submission and respect that is in our hearts. Worship is a platform for us to express our love e to God.
The attitude of a person can also be seen in the way they worship God, Men and Women who worship literally cry, breakdown, lie on their faces all, kneel
are just but showing outwardly what their hearts and Spirits are inwardly.

When you are full of love and respect for God in your heart it is seen in the way you express it to God. The manner you also use to express your love shows the condition of your life.

Do you see the importance of worship as a vehicle to express our love for God? It is an attitude and condition of the Spirit and Heart.

So now express your love to God using you body and do not get puffed up in expressing and forgetting the attitude and condition of your heart.

“Worship Him in The Beauty of His Holiness”


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