Reason Why We Worship

People never think of this Why was I created? We don’t know and we do not care to understand why. The bible tells us the reasons why we were created and how we were created by God. Genesis tells us that we “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion”. Gen 1:28 but in the bible do we not find any other purpose than worship which is a command from God wished it had been made part of the 10 Commandments. “The people which I formed (to form, fashioned, framed) for myself, that they might set forth (to count, recount, relate, show forth, declare, herald) my praise”, Isaiah 43:21. We were created to praise the Lord, God fashioned and made mankind to worship not because He is self seeking, self conceited or egotistic God who has a low self esteem. Think of it then and ask yourself why does God require our worship? When Lucifer was cast down from heaven he was the chief worship leader in hea...