An Old Story About Worship
There was a child in a certain
country and he got born again and with time God’s call grew so strong upon this
now 14 year old about worship. He had an encounter with Jesus and the words
that Jesus kept repeating to this young man were about worship, worship me’
Jesus said His words to the young man were all about worship. In the morning he
started the biggest search of his life, he started with his school teacher,
school dean, parents and even scheduled a meeting with the pastor on the
weekend. At the end of it all he was not satisfied and one day sitting in the
library he found an old brown tattered book at the back of the shelf and he
started too read the book which started on page 14 and started to talk about
words that are used in worship such a hallelujah, amen, maranatha, hosanna.
When I found the story I just knew I had to share what that book spoke about
and here it goes, it explained it word in detail and its origins.
Is a worship expression which means
“Praise Ye Jehovah” or “Praise Jehovah”. In modern day setting it simply means
Praise the Lord. It is considered the most joyful word of praise to God or it
is a joyful expression of praise to God.
Hallelujah translated from Hebrew
is made up of two words “Hallal” which is one of the Hebrew words for praise
which means praise and then “Jah” which means Yahweh. It was adopted from the
Latin as Alleluia.
A Hebrew word translated “verily”
or sometimes translated to mean “so be it”. Amen is already in its original Hebrew
form, it was derived from a root word “aman” meaning to be firm or solid in
sense of permanency. So it means to be sure, true or faithful when you say Amen
you are strongly affirming it to be.
Also the word “amen” so be it or
truly in the New Testament. The Hebrew Amen means also to be faithful, support
or confirm. It is used a s a way to agree or affirm and in the New Testament
they use it to endorse prayer or praise

Hebrew – Aramic word meaning
alternatively “The Lord is coming soon” or “Lord come soon”
Is a song of honour to God, the
Davidic poem psalm were sang with musical instruments and they were psalms that
David sang which were to worship God.
Psalms are in different categories
- Psalms of Praise Psalms 150
- Psalms of Lamentation
- Psalms of Deliverance
- Psalms of Hallelujah Psalms 113, Psalms 135 or Psalms 146-150
Is a song or praise, a song of
thanksgiving to God for example II Samuel 22
Basically means “stop and think
about this”
It is also related to a verb which
means which means “to build up” raising voice or to crescendo of music,
transposing o a higher tone or a musical interlude period of meditation or it
may also mean change of voice or may also mean repeat.
One of the first songs t be sung in
the bible is in Exodus 15 when it was sung by Moses. It was a song of
Types of songs
- Spiritual Songs- songs with life, songs uttered from within us, it blesses God
- Prophetic Songs – songs that originate from the prophetic realm
- New Song –it’s a song sung in spontaneity, out of nowhere you just sing for God a song unheard off
- Songs of rejoicing
- Songs of thanksgiving Nehemiah 12:46
- Songs of praise Nehemiah 12:46, Psalms 136
- Songs of deliverance Exodus 15
When I read the story of the young
boy and read these ancient truth I was elated to share them with you and I pray
that whoever you might be, may you encounter God in an amazing way like never
before and see his hand literally touching and changing your life just like the
young boy.