What Worship Is and Isn’t

This week’s post is based on a song sung by Travis Greene on his album “Stretching Out” called “All the Glory” for days I listened to no other song only this specific song. I know it the song and also the lyrics they explained a lot of things about worship and I know it will reveal a lot to you as well, study them and I know you will get learn truth about Worship as well.

Verse 1
These hands were made to stretch for you
This heart you gave me is in love with you
My mouth was made to sing for you
So I am going to sing to you a new song
These feet were made to chase after you
This mind you gave me is in awe in you
My life was made to live for you
So I will live for you

My worship is pure it belongs to you Lord
You are the One I adore
Your love is to die for
So I will worship

With my hands lifted
Eye to the sky
And my mouth shouting loud
Open up wide

Verse 2
These ears were made to hear yr voice
Freewill you gave me but I have no choice
You have made me glad so I will rejoice
Yes I will rejoice in you
Tears were made to wash your Feet
The spirit within makes me complete
Your Glory surrounds and flesh become
And I fall to my knees
In Worship

We lift our voice to you and cry out
Hallelujah, Glory to You
All the glory belongs
To you

Verse 3
These eyes were made to search for you
This soul you gave me is burst for you
My mind was made up to trust in you
I will trust in you
And I will worship you

This song by Travis Greene “All The Glory” it truly shows that worship isn’t just a song but the sum total of Spirit, Soul and Body. Is your life like this as well, where all the members of your total being worship God?

Worship is all about your whole life not a part of it as we have been taught, or just it’s just your hands here and there your hands and on occasions your knees or your heart. Think through your life how are you glorifying God. So what worship is and isn’t is a question that only you can answer yourself.

Worship Him in the Beauty of His Holiness


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